Star Odyssey

Chapter 2957: Complaint

Chapter 2957: Complaint

Lu Yin glared at Shao Yin, openly angry. "Senior, if you had held the Ice Lord back for even a short while, I could have stolen the complete Iceheart! Instead, I only barely managed to grab a piece of it, as I was discovered and had no choice but to break it. There was no way to get the entire thing. If you had just stalled for a few moments more, I would have had it, but you had to give up and run away! You abandoned Qi You, the old woman, and even me! "

Shao Yin stared at Ye Bo. How was this possible? Ye Bo had gone after the Ice Lord, so how could he have possibly stolen the Iceheart? The Iceheart had clearly been in the Ice Spirit Domain.

Shao Yin understood that it was not truly impossible. Given Ye Bo’s strength, as long as he was not frozen, he could have almost instantly entered the Ice Spirit Domain. On top of that, it would have taken very little time for him to steal the Iceheart and escape. Was it possible to have done all that? It was true that Ye Bo’s arm had been frozen, and he had brought back a piece of the Iceheart, but what was really going on? Something felt off about the entire matter.

Shao Yin wanted to carefully go over his own experience and Ye Bo’s story, but at that moment, Progenitor Xi spoke up. "Shao Yin, why was Ye Bo sent to distract the Ice Lord?"

Shao Yin's expression suddenly changed.

Lu Yin shouted, "That’s right! You clearly said that I would be the one to steal the Iceheart, so why did I end up having to distract the Ice Lord? Answer me!"

Shao Yin took a deep breath. He completely ignored Ye Bo and gave Progenitor Xi his full attention. "The Iceheart contains sequence particles, which meant that I was the only participant in the mission who could touch it."

As he spoke, he looked at Lu Yin. "When you touched the Iceheart, your arm was frozen. You can see what happened."

"Then why didn't you warn me from the beginning? That way I could have been prepared. Even if I died, I could have helped you hold off the Ice Lord for a bit and avoided being instantly frozen," Lu Yin snapped back.

Shao Yin's face twitched. He had no idea how to answer that question.

Ye Bo was a True God Guard Captain, but Shao Yin’s actions meant that he had been willing to sacrifice one of those captains. This would not be easy to explain to Aeternus.

Progenitor Xi's eyes grew cold. "Shao Yin, you already knew that a True God Guard Captain did not need to cooperate with you or go on this mission, and yet you were still willing to allow him to die during the mission."

Shao Yin wanted to protest, but he could say nothing.

"In the end, he was the one to complete the mission and return alive. Ye Bo, did you ever use your divine energy?" Progenitor Xi asked.

Lu Yin quickly replied, "No."

Shao Yin frowned. "How could you have stolen the Iceheart from under the Ice Lord’s eyes without using divine energy?"

Ye Bo retorted, "You never even asked me where I, Ye Bo, am from."

Shao Yin became confused.

Progenitor Xi calmly stated, "Ye Bo is from the Origin Universe. He killed Progenitors there under the eyes of the Lu family and the four ruling powers. No one was ever able to catch him. In that universe, he is just as infamous as your Sixverse Association’s Cheng Kong. He has the ability to steal the Iceheart."

Shao Yin's expression changed drastically. The Origin Universe? The man stared at Lu Yin for a long moment. This explained a great deal. For someone to become as famous as Cheng Kong in that universe, he had to have the ability to steal the Iceheart.

If Shao Yin had known about this in advance, his plan would have been quite different. If he had tasked Ye Bo with stealing the Iceheart, the mission would not have been nearly so difficult.

This realization made Shao Yin feel extremely regretful.

Progenitor Xi turned back to Ye Bo. "What about the other two?"

Lu Yin sighed. "Dead. I watched them freeze and their bodies shatter. They died frustrated and hating Senior Shao Yin."

The man’s face twitched yet again.

Progenitor Xi remained unfazed. “Good. That means that the Ice Spirit Tribe has no idea that Aeternus was behind this attack, correct?”

Shao Yin stared at Lu Yin, as only Ye Bo could answer this question.

Lu Yin replied, "I can’t say for certain, as there might be a spy within Aeternus."

Progenitor Xi gave a small smile. "There is absolutely no chance of there being any spies among the Aeternals. In that case, this mission has been completed. While the entire Iceheart was not stolen, breaking the Iceheart is even more likely to rouse the Ice Spirit Tribe’s anger. Ye Bo, well done. "

Lu Yin bowed. "I was lucky."

Progenitor Xi then turned back to Shao Yin. "This mission’s success has nothing to do with you. On top of that, you will be punished for your actions. Do you have any objections?"

Shao Yin was unwilling to back down. He was striving for the available position of one of the Seven Skygods. How could he not object to being punished?

Still, there was no denying that he had made a mistake on the mission.

This thought caused Shao Yin to glare at Ye Bo again before turning around and leaving.

Lu Yin stared at Shao Yin’s back with cold eyes.

"Given his high status within Aeternus, I can't really punish him. At best, I can prevent him from receiving credit for this mission’s success. I hope that you don't mind," Progenitor Xi spoke softly as she looked at Ye Bo

Lu Yin replied, "I don't mind, but I refuse to work with such a person ever again. If I do, I won’t even know how I died."

Progenitor Xi’s slight smile never wavered. "I never intended for you to cooperate with him. The True God Guard Captains don’t need to follow that man’s orders."

Lu Yin’s voice turned bitter. "Yes I followed him of my own will.

"Senior Progenitor Xi, what was the point of this mission?"

Progenitor Xi looked at Ye Bo. "Since you performed so well, I can give you some details regarding this mission..."

Progenitor Xi then shared some details concerning the Five Spirits Alliance, the Lord of Lightning, and the Luna Alliance. Lu Yin had already heard this information before, but he made a point of appearing surprised when he heard all this.

"While it appears that the Lord of Lightning has no connection to your universe, when Yu Huo and a few others attacked the Heavens Sect, one of the Lord of Lightning’s people showed up to save them. If not for that, the Heavens Sect would have suffered heavy losses."

Lu Yin's eyes flared. "The Lord of Lightning helped the Heavens Sect?"

Progenitor Xi nodded.

Lu Yin’s voice turned cold. "Then I did the right thing this time. Let the Five Spirits Alliance fight the Luna Alliance to the death and destroy the Lord of Lightning’s strength. This will prevent the Heavens Sect from ever receiving outside help again."

"That was the entire purpose of this mission. Once the True God emerges from seclusion, he will destroy the Origin Universe and the entire Sixverse Association. We must make it very difficult for outsiders like the Lord of Lightning to intervene, which is why our current task is to remove as many of the Sixverse Association’s allies as possible. This mission will permanently weaken both the Five Spirits Alliance and the Luna Alliance, as they will go to war. This will create an opportunity for us," Progenitor Xi continued to explain.

Oh? That was not all. Lu Yin remembered when Ju Ji had attacked Earth. The Aeternals had suddenly attacked the Five Spirits Alliance, which was an indirect attack on the Lord of Lightning. It seemed clear that they were after the three treasures that were in the Lord of Lightning's possession.

After understanding the purpose behind the mission, Lu Yin asked Progenitor Xi for more missions of the same kind. However, Ye Bo was told to first recover. It would take some time to recuperate from his frozen arm, and Progenitor Xi preferred Ye Bo to be at his full capabilities.

In a flash, half a year passed. During this time, Ye Bo had not been assigned any missions. Lu Yin was eager to receive a mission in the Origin Universe, but Progenitor Xi never sought him out, and Ye Bo could not chase after Progenitor Xi, as it would make him appear too eager.

During this half year, Lu Yin spent most of his time absorbing divine energy. The star of divine energy in the universe within Lu Yin had grown multiple sizes larger. It was still far smaller than the other stars, but it was quickly catching up.

He could not say how long he would remain in the Scourge for. At the very latest, he would leave as soon as he heard that the True God was leaving seclusion or that the Seven Skygods were about to return. If any of them were present, Lu Yin could not be confident that his disguise would not be seen through.

Lu Yin stared across a lake of divine energy, thinking about what Qi You had said. Was it true that the True God had hidden three unique battle techniques beneath the divine energy that flowed across the Scourge?

It would be nice if Lu Yin could find them.

He had not wandered away from his tower over the last few months, instead staying within the nearby area.

The tower was very bland and boring. It was nothing more than a status symbol, and it did not actually bear any special significance.

As for the maid who had been assigned to Ye Bo, there was nothing to comment on, as Lu Yin had not even spoken to the woman in nearly half a year.

One day, while Lu Yin was standing beside a lake of divine energy, a figure passed through the sky overhead. It was Shao Yin.

Shao Yin looked down at Ye Bo. "Ye Bo, I have received another mission. Do you want to come with me?"

Lu Yin just stared at the man coldly.

Shao Yin sneered. "Have you lost all courage to leave this place after what happened with the Ice Spirit Tribe?"

"Do you really have any right to ask that?" Lu Yin challenged.

Shao Yin’s eyes narrowed. "I overlooked you on that last mission. If we work together again, I will take good care of you."

With that, the man left.

Lu Yin looked away. If not for the Great Sovereign’s plan that involved Shao Yin, the man would have died to Lu Yin long ago. Lu Yin felt the man would make an excellent champion.

"Have you offended Shao Yin?" a voice asked from behind. It was a very familiar voice.

Lu Yin turned around to find himself looking at the Chiliagonist.

"Who are you?"

The Chiliagonist walked closer. "You must be the new True God Guard Captain. I am the Chiliagonist, another of the True God Guard Captains."

Of course Lu Yin recognized the man, though the Chiliagonist did not realize that Ye Bo was really Lu Yin.

Ye Bo and the Aeternals had made contact previously, but only through Redbacks and Cheng Kong. None of the Aeternals’ other powerhouses had ever met Ye Bo. "We have heard of the name ‘Ye Bo’ for a long time. The Origin Universe is not a simple place, and yet you were able to do so much harm to the humans there. You must be very powerful. It’s no wonder why you were able to become as famous as Cheng Kong," the Chiliagonist complimented Ye Bo.

Lu Yin calmly replied, "You are the third of the True God Guard Captains I have met."

The Chiliagonist appeared to be an easy-going person. "You’ll meet all of them soon enough, though two are dead and one has been captured. I had no idea if he’s still alive or already dead. You’re replacing one of those three."

Lu Yin did not reply. He did not know what he should say to the Chiliagonist. This person cultivated consciousness, so Lu Yin had to be very careful.

"Have you offended Shao Yin?" the Chiliagonist asked again.

Lu Yin calmly replied, "That's right."

"That's a problem. That man is very cunning, but he’s also quite strong. He hid himself in the Cyclic Universe for a long time, serving as one of the Three Sovereigns. He’s ruthless and vindictive. It’s not good to have him as an enemy," the Chiliagonist warned.

Lu Yin's voice grew colder than ever, "I just want to get revenge on the Perennial World."

The Chiliagonist smiled. "I understand. Who doesn’t want to get revenge? As long as you aren’t a corpse king, everyone who joins Aeternus does so because of their own ambitions."

"What are yours?" Lu Yin asked. His voice sounded curious, but his expression remained calm and unconcerned.

The Chiliagonist considered the question for a moment. "Survival."

"That’s a very simple motive," Lu Yin replied.

"Is living as a traitor a simple life?" The Chiliagonist stared at Ye Bo.

Lu Yin replied in an indifferent tone, "It's just nature."

"Shao Yin has completed an important mission and just returned. He is competing to become one of the Seven Skygods. If he succeeds, even you and I will be at his command. If possible, you should settle any grudges before that." After sharing that suggestion, the Chiliagonist walked away.

Lu Yin's eyes flickered. An important mission? Could it be another mission related to the Five Spirits Alliance that was part of the competition to become one of the Seven Skygods? Regardless, it had to be a plot that involved someone at the Lord of Lightning’s level.

The Five Spirits Alliance needed to be on guard. Could Shao Yin have been dealing with another outsider powerhouse?

Lu Yin needed to find a way to learn about what had happened.

Soon, another half year passed.

Lu Yin had spent more than a year infiltrating the Aeternals, and one day, Yu Huo stepped out of his tower, clad in a black robe. Most of his strength had recovered.

Progenitor Xi sent out an announcement, assembling the True God Guard Captains.

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