Chapter 73: Counseling Time!

Why am I even doing this Shadow shot a glare at Baek Su-Ryong, who was now walking beside her. His hands were still filled with various shopping bags, but the number had halved since they first metbecause she was now carrying the other half.

Baek Su-Ryong had asked her what she was doing when they met a moment ago, and since she wasnt doing anything in particular, she couldnt answer.

Then, Baek Su-Ryong suddenly handed her several bags, saying, If you have nothing to do, help me out. Im really busy preparing for the entrance exams.


Ill buy you lunch later. For now, just help me carry these.

Whats this all of a sudden

I need to deliver all these to the Azure Dragon Academy.

Why arent you reading this at ?

Fine, Ill help you, Shadow replied. If Im with this guy, Ill be able to enter the Azure Dragon Academy without arousing suspicion.

And that was how things had ended up this way.

So, the Headmaster forced me to personally purchase the supplies needed for the entrance exam.

I see. The thing is, why do I have to run errands like this? I came here to teach martial arts, not to do odd jobs for kids, you know?


Its unbelievable how much they expect from me while paying me peanuts sigh. Maybe things will change when the semester startsor maybe not. Regardless of our job, life is exhausting. Dont you agree?

Baek Su-Ryong complained on and on, and Shadow reluctantly chimed in with simple replies, but the conversation could not remain one-sided forever.

Anyway, why were you there? What happened?

Well Eventually, Shadow found herself explaining why she was alone.

Aha. To sum it up, you got fired from guard duty and am now homeless? Baek Su-Ryong summarized.

Immediately regretting her actions, Shadow retorted, Since when did I say I got fired?! Its a day off, a day off!

If you werent fired, why did you look like you were? If you got a day off, you should enjoy it properly.

I dont need day offs, Shadow said firmly.

Wait Why am I saying this to him? Hes someone who doesnt know anything about me, who wouldnt understand even if I explained. Is it because theyve been seeing each other every day in the same space for a month? Because hes the one who helped Gongson Su recover his health? Orbecause of his peculiar gaze thats sometimes profound but mostly inscrutable?

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Baek Su-Ryong turned and stared directly at Shadow.

Feeling like her inner thoughts were exposed, she held her breath.

Weve been walking for a while, arent your legs hurting? Shall we take a break at a nearby tea house?

Im fine. And didnt you say you were busy earlier? Shouldnt you hurry back to the Azure Dragon Academy

Even if I finish this quickly, that geezer will just give me another task. Ah, lets go there.

As you wish. Shadow nodded reluctantly.

The two of them entered a tea house and put down their heavy bags. As they ordered tea and stared out the window, people began to whisper around them.

With Shadows keen hearing, it wasnt hard to make out what they were saying.

Ooh, look over there

Oh my, what a good-looking couple.

Id strike up a conversation with them if this guy wasnt right next to me

Oh, come on. You think you could blend in with that face of yours?

But honestly, isnt the guy much better looking?

Y-You Did you always swing that way?

If there was one good thing about being with Baek Su-Ryong, it was that she no longer had to deal with annoying pests. Hearing that her looks were inferior to his, however, wasnt exactly pleasant.

She studied Baek Su-Ryongs face as he sipped his tea. With his fair complexion, sharp jawline, and deep, mesmerizing eyes, it was hard to believe that he was a martial artist. Even his fingers, delicately wrapped around the teacup, were longer and more refined than those of most women.

If youre seeing this, you are at the wrong place.

I dont usually pay much attention to mens looks, but hes remarkably handsome. Although he doesnt seem to realize it himself.

She kept quiet about it, but in the past month, she had to chase away many women who lingered around the outside of the White Dragon Manor, hoping to catch a glimpse of Baek Su-Ryong.

Hmm? Is there something on my face?

No, nothing, Shadow denied, looking away.

To be honest, in order to ensure Gongson Sus safety, she had done a background check on Baek Su-Ryong to ensure that his past was clean. Her investigations revealed that before joining the Azure Dragon Academy, he had lived in the countryside. His father, a completely unknown person in the murim, ran a martial arts academy there, while his mother died shortly after his birth. He had been frail and sickly since childhood, but after a narrow escape from death, he gained enlightenment and was now healthy.

Most importantly, since his arrival at the Azure Dragon Academy, he had done some outrageous things like proclaiming he would lead the academy to victory at the Heavenly Martial Festival and betting over whether his student or Namgoong Sus would secure top grades for the admission exam.

Of course, she had reported all her findings to Gongson Su. However, the outcome of her report was not what she had in mind.

Hehe! Is that so? I guess I have to work even harder for Mr. Baek! Gongson Su laughed, even after hearing about the bet.

Shadow couldnt understand why he was so nonchalant, but since he was fine with it, there was no need for her to be concerned.

Its your first day off, why dont you enjoy it a bit more? Dont make that grim face, Baek Su-Ryong said leisurely, sipping his tea.

Seeing his gentle smile, several women in the teahouse giggled.

I dont feel the need to rest, Shadow replied gruffly, a little irritated.

Hmm. Seems like you could use some counseling after welcomes you.

Baek Su-Ryong sighed and pointed to Shadows expressionless face. You know, whenever I see you, I get the feeling that youre Elder Gongs shadow, just like your name says.

Good, thats exactly my role, Shadow replied proudly.

Baek Su-Ryong shook his head in disappointment at her answer. Gently placing his teacup on the table, he asked, Then why were you standing on the street just now, looking all lost like a discarded shadow?

Shadow slammed her teacup down on the table and gave Baek Su-Ryong a threatening glare. Please refrain from making such presumptuous remarks.

Struck a nerve, did I? Baek Su-Ryong taunted, unfazed. Anyway, hypothetically, if Elder Gong commanded you to commit suicide, would you do it?

Yes, I would.

What if he ordered you to kill me?

Shadow grinned ominously. I wouldnt hesitate.

To her annoyance, however, Baek Su-Ryong wasnt the least bit intimidated. Instead, he made a face as if he had predicted all of her replies.

One last question. How would you feel if one day Elder Gong suddenly passed away?

Shadow fell silent. She had never entertained such a notion. Though she thought she was prepared for Elder Gongs eventual demise, imagining it left her mind blank.

Lowering his voice, Baek Su-Ryong asked gravely, Do you still dont get why Elder Gong granted you this day off?

Read this at , or else.

Shadow couldnt answer. Until now, nothing about Gongson Sus command had struck her as odd.

Its as I suspected. Baek Su-Ryong clicked his tongue. After a month of observation, he realized that the relationship between Gongson Su and Shadow was very different from the usual protector-protected dynamic. Thankfully, it wasnt the inappropriate kind of relationship, but something warmer.

You might think youre protecting Elder Gong, but from my perspective, youre the one whos more dependent on him.

How dare! Shadow snapped, but immediately fell silent at Baek Su-Ryongs next words.

Elder Gong sees you as a daughter.


Shadow, I dont know what you think of me, but I see you as a daughter.

She couldnt forget the words Gongson Su had said earlier. Yet, how did this man know a fact she had just learned?

Y arent you reading this at ?

Of course, you also think of Elder Gong as a father.

H-How Shadow stammered, flustered.

Baek Su-Ryong chuckled, lifting his teacup. Im quite perceptive, while youre kind of oblivious. I can easily tell youre brooding over being granted a day off, thinking youve been discarded.

Shadow grit her teeth. Baek Su-Ryong was right. She was an orphan, and while serving Gongson Su, thoughts like If I had a father, Id want someone like him often crossed her mind.

Baek Su-Ryong glanced at Shadows trembling fingers. Im not surprised shes this shaken; such emotions must be very foreign to her. All assassins are trained to kill their emotions from a young age, but over time, those feelings tend to resurface, especially if she has spent a lot of time outside that world. How long has she been Gongson Sus personal bodyguard? Several years?

Well, even if shes recovered a bit, emotionally shes still like a child. Her body may be that of an adult, but mentally shes still dependent on her father figure.

For a while, silence hung between the two.

I Iam I doing something wrong? Shadow finally asked, confused. She looked at Baek Su-Ryong, then at her reflection in the teacup, then back at him again.

No, Baek Su-Ryong said firmly. Once, he wouldve deemed human emotions a disqualification for an assassin, but now, he didnt want to say that. If Elder Gong didnt think you were doing the right thing, he wouldve fired you long ago.

Once again, silence lingered.

Why arent you reading this at ?

Think about why Elder Gong gave you a day off, why he forced you to spend some time alone, Baek Su-Ryong declared with finality, finishing his tea and rising from his seat. He had given enough advice. The rest was up to Shadow. Lets go. If I return too late, the headmaster will scold me.


They left the teahouse, with Baek Su-Ryong walking ahead and Shadow quietly following behind like a puppy.

This is fucking awkward. Did I do something unnecessary? Baek Su-Ryong wondered, but seeing Shadows lost expression when she was alone, he couldnt help but talk to her.

In the future, youll often see kids who have lost their way or gone astray. As a teacher, you must never ignore them.

Mae Geuk-Lyoms words echoed in his mind.

She may not be my student, but since Gongson Su paid me well, Ill treat it as a bonus service.

You Shadow suddenly spoke, breaking the silence. Do you know who Elder Gong and I truly are?

I can make an educated guess, Baek Su-Ryong replied. He had heard enough mentions of the Imperial Palace and the Emperor over the past month to deduce that Gongson Su was a powerful politician. In fact, Gongson Su let slip so often that it would be weirder if he hadnt noticed.

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I cant reveal Elder Gongs identity, but I used to be a Royal Guardsman.

Mmhmm, Baek Su-Ryong nodded. The Royal Guard served as both the Emperors personal bodyguards and the Empires secret police, and its leader was one of the top ten martial artists in the world. Given Shadows skills, he wasnt surprised that she came from there.

The Royal Guard recruited many war orphans like me and trained us from a young age. They taught me martial arts and sent me on various missions, including infiltration, assassination, and espionage. Then, a few years ago, the Emperor suddenly gave me to Elder Gong, Shadow explained. It wasnt a story she would normally tell, but she felt compelled to do so now.

He gave you to Elder Gong?

Shadow nodded. Im no longer officially part of the Royal Guard, and my name was erased from their records. Right now, Im only Elder Gongs personal bodyguard. Thus, when Elder Gong passes away Ill be free.

Thats quite an outrageous story.

You dont seem very outraged, though.

Were you trying to make a joke? Youre not very good at it, Baek Su-Ryong chuckled. Oh, were almost there!

Without realizing it, they were already approaching the main gates of the Azure Dragon Academy. They entered the grounds, laden with baggage.


Suddenly, a loud shriek erupted from the direction of the training grounds.

Uhm, do you think hell be okay here? Shadow asked worriedly.

Read this at , or else.


If the other students bully Elder Gong because of his age

Bullying? Him? Are you serious? Baek Su-Ryong burst into laughter. Dont worry, Ive taught him well enough.

He looked toward the source of the screams. For some reason, I just know that my disciples are over there.


Struck in the solar plexus, Cho Mak-Saeng slumped over like a cooked shrimp. For a while, he struggled to breathe, and the world around him blurred into a chaotic kaleidoscope.

Ugh! When his vision finally cleared, Cho Mak-Saeng stared blankly at his opponent, dumbfounded by the ease with which they had incapacitated him.

Without a trace of remorse, Gongson Su looked down at Cho Mak-Saeng. Oh my, Im so sorry. I never imagined that you wouldnt even see that coming

Translators Note: The transition to third person here is very awkward. I tried my best.

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