TL: FoodieMonster007

Translator’s Note: Due to a mistranslation, Seclusion Training Freak has been changed to Blue Eyed Freak. I’m sorry, it sounds too similar…

Despite the chaos within the Valley of Evil, the gatekeeper trio lounged at the entrance as usual. The only difference today was that they were engrossed in a heated bet about the outcome of the fight between the Bloody Ripper and the Handsome Playboy.

“I’ll wager ten coins that the Handsome Playboy died within a hundred exchanges, and the Bloody Ripper lost an arm or a leg!” Hell Axe declared.

Wolf Fang Blade scoffed. “You’re giving that playboy too much credit. I say he died within fifty exchanges, and the Bloody Ripper is meditating to heal his internal injuries.”

“Look at the state of the Valley. Do you really think that old fart would stay quiet until now just because of some internal injuries?” Hell Axe argued, pointing his axe toward the Valley of Evil.

Although the flames had mostly died down, smoke still rose from various spots in the Valley of Evil. Screams and curses from wounded villains echoed occasionally, and the gatekeepers’ sharp senses detected clashes happening all over. It was a true hellscape.

“What a mess. An absolute mess,” Hell Axe muttered.

“Yeah, it’s pretty bad,” Wolf Fang Blade agreed.

Still, the three gatekeepers didn’t pay much attention to what was going on inside. That was just the kind of people they were. Whether the Valley of Evil collapsed or not, they couldn’t give a shit.

Hell Axe continued, “I’m telling you, that old Bloody Ripper must’ve gotten a real beating. Otherwise, he wouldn’t let things get this bad.”

“Even so, he wouldn’t have lost a limb. Maybe his internal injuries are worse than we thought, or perhaps he got hit by poison or hidden weapons,” Wolf Fang Blade suggested.

Hell Axe scoffed. “Hah! You think that sly old fox would fall for such tricks?”

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“If you’re so sure, why not up the stakes? How about thirty coins?” Wolf Fang Blade challenged.

“Fine! I’ll clean out your pockets today,” Hell Axe grinned.

After a bit more bickering, both of them turned their gaze toward Blue Eyed Freak.

“What do you think, Blue Eyed Freak? Seems that pig you’re torturing is dead, so want to join our bet?” Hell Axe asked.

“Hoo…” Blue Eyed Freak, who had been busy butchering a pig-like man, wiped the blood off his cheek with the back of his hand and stood up. At his feet lay the dismembered corpse of Black Boar, whom he had caught trying to sneak out of the Valley.

“I’ll bet that the Handsome Playboy killed the Bloody Ripper,” Blue Eyed Freak declared.


“You’re kidding.”

Hell Axe and Wolf Fang Blade were stunned. The mighty Bloody Ripper, defeated by some unknown nobody? Sure, there were plenty of hidden masters in the murim, but what were the odds of someone that young being so powerful?

“Wait a minute,” Hell Axe said. “Earlier, you told the Demon Doctor that the Handsome Playboy stood almost no chance against the Bloody Ripper.”

“True, I did,” Blue Eyed Freak admitted, nudging Black Boar’s corpse with his foot. “But that was before I heard from this guy here that the Handsome Playboy mastered a martial art that turns both his hair and eyes red.”

Hell Axe blinked in confusion. “Red hair and eyes? What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Is it some kind of special demonic art?” Wolf Fang Blade added.

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Neither of them seemed to grasp the significance of Baek Suryong’s unusual appearance.

Well, it’s a legend even among those who know, but if it’s true… A sinister gleam appeared in Blue Eyed Freak’s deep blue eyes. “In any case, I bet the Bloody Ripper is dead,” he said.

“Oh, come on…”


“The King of the Valley is dead?”

It was hard to believe, but Hell Axe and Wolf Fang Blade couldn’t just dismiss it. After all, it was their leader, Blue Eyed Freak, who was saying it with such confidence.

You ought to read this at northbladetldotcom.

Hell Axe scratched his wiry beard. “But if the Bloody Ripper really is dead… The Valley will descend into chaos. Who else can control those villains? It has to be someone with skill and fame equal to his…”

“Think the Nine Yin Witch will step up?” Wolf Fang Blade asked.

“That crazy witch? We’d be lucky if she doesn’t turn the Valley of Evil into the Valley of Ice and Snow.”


At the mention of the Nine Yin Witch, both men shuddered. It wasn’t just the woman’s abilities that were unnerving, her fits of madness were too much even for villains like them.

“What do you think happened to those kids the Nine Yin Witch took?”

“They’re probably dead by now, or wishing they were.”

Wolf Fang Blade sighed, “Poor souls. They probably thought she was their savior and followed her.”

Hell Axe clicked his tongue. “Anyway, if the Bloody Ripper is dead, and the Nine Yin Witch isn’t fit to lead, then who’s going to manage the Valley?”

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Almost as if on cue, both men turned to face Blue Eyed Freak, their de facto leader.

Blue Eyed Freak is strong. He could probably hold his own even against the Bloody Ripper or the Nine Yin Witch.

If Blue Eyed Freak wants to, he can take over the Valley. He’d probably do a better job than the Bloody Ripper.

After a decade together, Blue Eyed Freak knew exactly what they were thinking. Still, he pretended otherwise and smiled faintly, saying, “Well, maybe the Handsome Playboy will become the new King of the Valley.”

“What? Him?” Hell Axe exclaimed.

Wolf Fang Blade grumbled, “I don’t like that playboy. What if he asks us to kidnap women for him?”

“He didn’t seem that type, but still, I object,” Hell Axe agreed.

Seeing their displeased faces, Blue Eyed Freak chuckled, when suddenly, he turned to gaze into the distance. With his superhuman eyesight, a result of a special martial art he had mastered, he’d noticed movement far away.

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“Someone’s coming. Four people. All martial artists. They don’t look friendly,” he said sternly.

Hell Axe and Wolf Fang Blade immediately drew their weapons.

“Heh, I was just feeling a bit stiff. This is perfect.”

“Things haven’t been boring lately.”

Before long, the four martial artists arrived, and an old man with a chilling aura stepped forward. “Is this the Valley of Evil?” he asked.

Naturally, this old man was Mae Geuklyom, and he was accompanied by Namgung Su, Ak Yeonho, and Geo Sangwoong, who had met up with the instructor group earlier.

Blue Eyed Freak chuckled, “That’s right. What crime did you commit to wind up here at your age?”

“Spare me the pointless chatter. We have business inside. Move aside,” Mae Geuklyom demanded, his aura intensifying.

Hell Axe and Wolf Fang Blade’s faces hardened immediately, but Blue Eyed Freak kept his intrigued smile, unfazed by the sharp aura.

“Sorry, no can do. You need to pass a test to get in,” he replied.

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“A test? How about I take your head instead?”

“My, aren’t you impatient? Are you here to rescue your kidnapped grandson or something?”

“Draw your sword!” Mae Geuklyom roared, his eyes flashing as he unsheathed his own blade.

“Hurry up, you worthless fools! Even a seven-year-old girl could move faster than you lot!” the Demon Doctor barked, pushing the torch-bearing villains forward.

They had followed Wiji Cheon underground and were moving slowly, cautious of any traps, but despite his complaints, the Demon Doctor never took the lead. He just looked around greedily, eyes gleaming with avarice.

Rumor has it there’s treasure hidden in here, he thought.

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He didn’t know the treasure belonged to the Blood Cult, as the Bloody Ripper had kept that a secret. However, he did always suspect that there was a great treasure hidden here, and that the Bloody Ripper intended to keep it all for himself.

If the Bloody Ripper is really dead… What’s stopping me from taking over the Valley? Sure, my martial arts might be lacking, but with my poisons and drugs, I can take down most martial artists… No, wait. Even if the Bloody Ripper is still alive, he’ll probably be severely wounded. In that case…

The Demon Doctor stroked the vials of deadly poisons hidden in his sleeve, a wicked grin spreading across his face.

A while later, one of the torchbearers at the front turned back and reported, “Elder Demon Doctor, the kid stopped up ahead.”

“Looks like we’ve reached the end. Move aside,” the Demon Doctor said, stepping forward.

Soon, the group spotted Wiji Cheon sitting on the ground. The boy appeared to have neutralized the poison, but his pale face suggested he wasn’t in good shape.

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I can take him down easily, the Demon Doctor thought, a smug grin spreading across his face. “Go grab him. If he resists, feel free to break his limbs,” he ordered.

The villains swarmed toward Wiji Cheon.

Unable to get up, Wiji Cheon screamed desperately, “MR. BAEEEEEEEK!”


Suddenly, the tunnel shook. A red semicircle appeared on the wall behind Wiji Cheon, drawn by enhanced sword qi, and the cut wall was kicked down, revealing a man with crimson hair and eyes.

The Demon Doctor’s eyes widened. “The Handsome Playboy! You really defeated the Bloody Ripper?”

Baek Suryong grinned. “Doctor! Just the man I was looking for.”

“Y-You! What’s with your hair and eyes?” the Demon Doctor stammered, pointing at Baek Suryong with a trembling finger.

“Oh, this? Whoops, I forgot to change it back,” Baek Suryong said casually, returning his hair and eyes to their usual black, though his aura remained just as intense.

Satisfied, he gauged the energy within him. Thanks to the Blood Elixir and the poisonous smoke, his Heaven Defying Divine Art, which had been stuck at the peak of the fifth star, had broken through the sixth star directly to the seventh. Although he couldn’t fully control it yet, his power was now on a whole different level.

It’s not perfect yet, and I’ll need to focus to maintain it, but now that I’ve reached the seventh star, I can conceal the physical changes caused by the Heaven Defying Divine Art.

Unfortunately for the Demon Doctor and the villains, though, all they noticed were Baek Suryong’s torn clothes and the wounds peeking through.

“What are you waiting for? He must be exhausted from fighting the Bloody Ripper! Kill him now!” the Demon Doctor yelled, even as he sneakily backed away.

A dozen villains drew their weapons and charged.

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“And grab the kid as a hostage!” the Demon Doctor added.

“Tsk tsk… what a mess. You guys have no idea what teamwork and coordination means, do you?” Baek Suryong sighed, teleporting right into the heart of the villains’ ranks with a light step.

Shocked, the villains tried to turn around, but their bodies were too slow to react. Helpless, they could only watch as Baek Suryong casually walked past them as if they didn’t exist.


One by one, the villains fell to the ground like flies, splattering blood everywhere. Seemingly unaware that they had been killed, they all died without letting out a single scream, their faces frozen in surprise.

“Ah… ahhh…” Terrified, the Demon Doctor fell on his butt. He was the only survivor. Panicking, he tried to crawl away, but it was futile.

Before he knew it, Baek Suryong stood over him, the Blood Demon Eyes activating as he commanded, “Demon Doctor. Look at me.”

“Ugh!” The Demon Doctor groaned, feeling his soul being drawn into those eyes.

Previously, Baek Suryong’s Blood Demon Eyes only worked on weaker demon practitioners. Now, regardless of their martial arts, it could also affect villains with evil hearts.

The Demon Doctor prostrated himself on the ground, clinging to Baek Suryong’s pant leg with one hand. As the Blood Demon Eyes etched absolute terror into his soul, overwhelming fear paralyzed him, until finally, he found that he could no longer defy Baek Suryong.

“P-Please spare me. I’ll be your most loyal servant…” he begged.

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Baek Suryong ignored him and turned to Wiji Cheon. “How are you feeling, Cheon?”

Wiji Cheon, who had been staring blankly at his teacher’s overwhelming display of martial prowess, snapped back to reality. “Mr. Baek! The seniors and Suhyeok are in danger! The Nine Yin Witch…”

“I know. I heard you earlier.”

“I’ll guide you to the Nine Yin Witch’s house…”

“No need. I know where it is.”

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“What? How?” Wiji Cheon tilted his head, puzzled.

“I can sense her qi,” Baek Suryong explained.

With the Bloody Ripper gone, the Nine Yin Witch was the strongest martial artist around besides himself. Her powerful aura was easy to sense.

More importantly, Baek Suryong could sense his students’ auras near hers, but they were fading fast. Clearly, the situation was dire.

“I’ll be back soon. Stay here with the Demon Doctor,” he instructed.

Wiji Cheon immediately protested, “But…”

“No buts, and take this.” Baek Suryong handed the Sword Saint’s Soul Sword to Wiji Cheon. “Ever since you arrived, this sword has been calling restlessly for you.”

Wiji Cheon stared blankly at the Soul Sword, but took it anyway. “Uh… This…”

Baek Suryong patted his head. “You’ve done well. I’ll go rescue the others, so stay here and rest up.”

“Mr. Baek…”


Baek Suryong kicked off the ground and vanished from sight.

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