Chapter 95: Chapter 95

Arthur's Point of View

Reed Farmstead

Cassidy eventually returned home after being dropped off by Greigh and Ziah. Upon her return, she chatted with her grandfather and me in the kitchen for a bit before she looked at me.

"Can Ah talk to ya?"

Looking up at the farm girl, I quirked a brow. "Is that not what we've been doing?"

Instead of replying, she merely walked off. "Guess that means in private." Grandpa Reed so kindly pointed out.

My voice laced in sarcasm, I replied. "Thanks for spelling that out for me."

He chuckled. "It's what Ah do."

Rolling my eyes and leaving the kitchen to follow Cassidy up to her room filled me with curiosity. She held the door open for me and gestured for me to enter, which I did. Closing the door behind her, she stayed facing the door for a moment before she turned to look at me.

"Ah know things aren't simple with ya. Ya've been through a lot since ya came here, but have ya ever thought about just bein respectful just once?" Cassidy inquired and then continued before I could respond. "Leaving in the way ya did was a huge insult! Do ya realize that puts pressure on not only you?" Moving over to me, she started to raise her voice as she grabbed my armor to hold me still. "Do ya!?"

Cassidy's Point of View

Reed Farmstead

My grandfather looked up at me as I saw Arthur open the front door and leave. "Give him some time. It's been hard on em. Only the gods know what he's been through." There was a solemn look in his eyes as he turned back to the door. "Ah think he is a man who made a lot of good decisions and unfairly paid for them."

I ignored my grandfather as I could only look at the door. "If we're not friends, why do ya keep callin me 'Cass'?" I said softly from the top of the stairs as Arthur stormed off. "Only my friends call me 'Cass'."

Arthur's Point of View

Reed Farmstead

Nothing has changed. Everything will be the exact same as it has always been. Earth or Crevalis. It makes no difference. Why did I think it would be different here? People will continue to die because of my choices. If nothing else, the deaths of those in the past have led to this world being the way it is. Aydan may have been willing to accept that, but I'm not. I should've saved them.

"Hello, Sir!" Came a female's voice from above me.

The flapping of wings caught my attention as I stopped moving toward the Hollow Forest. "General Arthur." A familiar voice called out, and I came to a stop as Captain Greigh, and Sergeant Ziah landed next to me with a salute. "We'd like to speak with you if you have a moment." Then he looked over his shoulder at the forest. "Unless you had other business to attend to?"

"It certainly has been a busy day. Barely had time to get my feet under me before everyone started approaching me. Here to lecture me for how I acted towards your priestesses?" I inquired with a small smirk.

Ziah frowned slightly, but Greigh replied. "I am not. The Priestesses mood is of no importance to me. My main concern has always been, and always will be, the people of Helmsforth." Then he shook his head and shrugged. "I'm not foolish enough to get thrown in the middle of a clash of titans."

"Oh?" My interested tone got him to study more closely. "Interesting choice of words."

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