Chapter 93: Chapter 93

Arthur's Point of View

Helmsforth Temple

Nodding in irritation, I moved towards the line of candidates and stopped in front of a young male Elf. "What is a hero?" I asked him.

He seemed surprised at the question. "It's someone who puts others first and always acts to save the people entrusted to him."

Moving down the line, I gestured to a young female Human. "A hero is someone who always knows what to do and is willing to sacrifice himself for the greater good."

Candidate after candidate, they all gave similar answers. "All respectable answers, are they not?" Arceana inquired, but I merely looked at her blankly. "Every one of these candidates was hand-chosen by my sister and I. Even your fellow Generals had a hand in selecting them. Each is talented in their own way and will be a great boon to you."

Elincia smiled warmly as she walked behind them. "Some of them must have piqued your interest."

"No." I said plainly. "None of them gave me the answer I was looking for." The priestesses and candidates blanched at that. "Which works in my favor because I don't want a squire. Don't even have a way to take care of them." Looking to a wide-eyed Arceana, I crossed my arms. "Is there anything else you summoned me for?"

Apparently, Alwin didn't appreciate my answer. "Then what were you looking for!?" He asked in a raised and angry tone. "Clearly, you know something we do not! Why not share!?" The general's outburst startled a few present.

Smirking at that, I moved in front of him while the others looked at him in surprise. "A hero is merely a word, General Alwin." I stated simply. "It's a pretty word, if anything. Villain, evil, hero, justice, and many more are all words that play off of each other."

Alwin seemed unable to respond. "Arthur, I know not what you went through in the few days you have been missing, but all of us looked for you." Elincia said from behind me. "Despite your beliefs on heroes, that does not change everything you have done for Lestrania in the short time you have been here." Gesturing outside of the Temple, she smiled. "Many in the streets call you a hero, and you are. Be the hero they think you are."

"I mean, all questions need an answer. It's just the matter of getting it that tends to be the problem." I replied as a few just frowned.

"Why have you revealed your eyes only now?" Arceana inquired.

I shrugged and crossed my arms. "You and your sister already knew about them. Plus, it seemed pointless to me to limit myself based on what your people might think about them." Closing my eyes, I continued. "A few people have been uneasy around me since revealing them, but I'm not about to put on a blindfold to make people happy."

Elincia leaned to the side of her throne as I opened my eyes. "I can understand why many would pause at the sight of your eyes. No such eyes have ever been seen before in all of history."

"Call me unique." I retorted.

"I doubt anyone would call you anything but." Was the blonde-haired priestesses reply. "What of where you went after Ayda's spell? Clearly, the spell in question concerned you little, but your wounds after returning tell another story."

"I had to deal with some personal matters. I'll just leave it at that."

Arceana examined her scepter as she spoke. "And Rudnurth? What of him? Why go out of your way to try and kill him in the condition you were in?"

Pausing at that piqued everyone's interest. "Let's just say that we have a history, me and him." Taking a deep breath, I exhaled softly before continuing. "I'm going to leave it at that."

Both priestesses frowned while the other Generals glanced at each other. "What you say concerns me." Arceana began as she leaned back. "Rudnurth has been sealed away for quite some time. To have history with him would mean you are quite old."

"I've said I was before, but I didn't come here to talk about my age. If there are no more questions-"

"We will say when there are no more questions." The pink-haired priestess interrupted me.

"And I say when I'm done. As I've said before, I'm not like the rest of your guards. My loyalty doesn't come without question, and I've seen a lot that gives me pause." Then with an overly theatrical bow, I opened a portal. "If there is nothing else..."

Both priestesses narrowed their eyes at me from the statement and threat of leaving.

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