Chapter 573: Chapter 573

Arthur's Point of View

Pendragon Estate

It was a rough awakening the next morning. My hands covered my face as I still felt exhausted. However, there was a lot I needed to get done today, and more to work towards. Hopefully Lucia was having a good morning after finding out about her condition last night. Aside from that, I got ready for my day.

As soon as I opened my door, Allen Harlow was waiting for me. "Good morning, Sir."

Holding up my hand to stop him, I spoke. "Please give me a few minutes before we get into anything. Breakfast would be nice."

He looked surprised at that. "Uh, it's well past noon, Sir." Allen stated.

Blinking slowly, I sighed as I walked past him. "Then lunch would be nice. We can get into things in a few minutes, but I definitely need to speak with you today."

Falling in behind me, Allen followed me. It was a little annoying, but I was used to someone doing the same thing at any given time. When I got to the kitchen, Aydalia was there with Freya. I almost turned around to leave, although that would've been a tad excessive.

"Look who finally woke up." Aydalia commented as her and Freya worked behind the counter.

"I had a long day yesterday." I commented. "Any chance you two are making something for me to eat?"

Freya refused to meet my eyes, which wasn't anything new. "We can if you'd like us to." She averted her gaze any time I ran into her.

Aydalia snorted. "You're not one of my kids." She replied. "But I suppose if you'd like I can whip you up something to eat."

Sitting at the counter, I nodded. "Appreciate it." My eyes watched the succubus.

"Be nice." Aydalia told me in a warning tone.

"I didn't say anything. Why do you even care?"

Harlow sat down beside me a little hesitantly as Mamma Farro answered. "Because it's rude." I scoffed at that. "Freya apologized to my boy, Arthur. He forgave her. As far as I'm concerned, that's the end of that."

"Fine. I won't stare at the succubus. Any other rules I should know?" I asked back, but Aydalia just frowned.

"Do you want a nice meal or not?" The elf threatened me.

"God, you're snippy today." I rested my chin in my hand as I continued. "Something happen back at your estate, your nobleness?"

"Mock all you want, Arthur. My estate has hard workers who have been working hard in my absence. They are all trusted employees of the Farro family."

I just huffed. "Nobles." My attention turned to Allen. "Am I right?"

The former captain looked uneasy at that as Aydalia also stared at him. "Uh..."

Patting him on the back, I spoke. "Don't answer that." My attention then turned back to Aydalia. "Seriously, though. What's your problem?"

Aydalia frowned at that. In response to my question, her magic activated, and my former severed hand appeared. Her aura disappeared and the severed limb plopped down in front of me. It was definitely disgusting to see as it made a mess of the countertop.

"I was going to eat here, but I guess not." I then gestured to the table. "Do you want me to eat at the table or-"

The elf slammed her hands on the counter which made Freya jumped as it startled her. "Why do you keep doing this?!" Grabbing my hand, she threw it at my chest. Blood covered my normal clothes as it fell back into the counter. "None of this works if you keep doing things by yourself, Arthur!" She took it once more and wiggled it in front of my face. "Do you not understand how Marina appearing randomly, wounded, with your severed hand would be horrifying?!"

I frowned at that. "Aydali-"

She cut me off as she set it down and let out a frustrated sigh. "I'm sorry." Aydalia quickly said. "It's just... Do you understand that seeing you wounded, to such a degree is almost mind numbing. I know you can't help it, but if you were to disappear..."

Sighing through my nose, I replied. "I'm fine. Don't worry so much. As much as I'd like to say this isn't going to happen again, I'd be lying. I'm doing the best I can, Aydalia."

"I know." She stated softly. "I know. Marina has recovered, and your hand is back, so everything must've been resolved. Right?"

"..." My silence didn't assuage her fears.

"Arthur... We're fine, right?"

"We're fine." I confirmed. "Don't worry about Crawlana. Let me worry about that. It's not like any of you could do anything about it anyway."

Aydalia's teeth clenched as her fingers curled into fists. "It is becoming more and more frustrating to hear that. Did you know something was in Crawlana that was dangerous?"

Leaning back as I looked at her, I answered. "I gave Marina my orb because the Leviathan that lurked in the Middle Ocean. If Crawlana still existed, that meant there was something else present that likely gave it pause or was able to drive it off."

"So, you knew."

"I suspected there was something else present. Whether it was another demon or something else was beyond me. There wasn't anything I knew specifically, just made a rational speculation that just as easily could've been wrong."

"But you weren't."

Grabbing my hand, I looked it over. "No. I wasn't. Sometimes it really sucks being right."

Aydalia sighed as she watched me. "Please be careful, or at least give us a warning."

"I can't warn you about what I don't know."

"I know... I know." She leaned on the counter slightly as she continued. "If you fall, my family will likely not be far behind. It might not be anytime soon, but Arceana won't leave us be now." Her head hung as she trembled. "Lestrania will not survive without you anymore. You know that."

"No pressure." I mumbled.

The elf wanted to respond but was cut off. "Finally awake, are you!?" Our collective attention turned to the doorway to see a very ecstatic dwarf. "Been wandering around with that golem of yours! This place is nice. Bit too clean in my opinion."

Aydalia snorted at that. "You should've seen it before dozens of people started living here. Place looked like it was abandoned."

I shrugged. "What do you want from me? I only used three or four rooms." My attention turned back to the dwarf. "So, you were out with Rock. Did you see Marina?"

"Rock? Marina?" Our new dwarf asked back.

"He means the golem you've been with." Allen responded. "Weren't you listening to Lady Farro yesterday while she explained things?"

The dwarf looked at the elf for a moment before he scratched his head. "Kind of. I was more distracted by the golem."

"Gods..." Aydalia whispered in frustration.

He chuckled. "Don't worry. I'll figure things out as we go!"

Allen slowly rubbed his eyes in frustration. "Dwarves..."

"We definitely got a hodgepodge of races here. Everyone will just have to get along." I turned to the dwarf. "Be wary, Vome. There are some powerful figures here that come and go as they please."

"Any stronger than you?" He asked back.


"Then does it matter?"

Aydalia was amused by that. "The dwarf has a point."

"If you two want to wait in my office, I'll be in there once I finish eating." I told Allen and Vome.

"I'm rather hungry. Would you mind if I ate with you?" Vome asked.

"I haven't eaten yet either." Allen told me.

"Does it involve the children?" Freya asked as Marina watched on silently.


"..." The succubus was quiet for a minute before she nodded. "Then yes. I never expected to stay here for free."

Instantly, my hands went up to correct her. "As far as I'm concerned, you've been earning your keep. Same with the kids. All of you have been working hard to clean this place up. You don't have to accept this offer. You're essentially already my employee. You're just getting paid in crystals filled with my energy instead of gold."

Her lips tightened. "You think of us as servants?"

"I think of you as refugees I'm putting to work and giving an opportunity. Giving you any gold or silver now would be wasteful when sustenance is what you really need. In the future though, near or far, I plan to change to an actual currency so you can buy whatever you want. This is just a temporary measure given the current situation." I gestured to her softly. "If this is all you want to do, then so be it. I won't force you into anything."

"May I think about it?"

With a nod, I spoke. "Take all the time you need. Let me know when you've come to a decision." My eyes narrowed as I glanced towards one of the walls leading outside. "Things may be resolved by the time you make your decision though." My attention turned to Marina. "I'm glad you're alright. Enjoy the meal."

As I to the entryway, a teleportation went off, which resulted in two new visitors. "Arthur." Alwin greeted me as Ty stood next to him.

"Go see Lucia if you haven't had the chance to do so."

Alwin looked confused at that. "Is she okay?"

I didn't answer him, but instead repeated myself. "Just go see Lucia." He seemed concerned as he quickly ran up the stairs in concern.

Ty also seemed worried. "Is Lucia hurt?"

"No. She just needed to talk with Alwin. However, I need you to go find Aydalia or Ayda. See if they need help with anything. I have my own meeting I need to go to. We'll continue your training afterwards." He nodded, and moved to the stairs, but I quickly grabbed his arm. "Ready yourself for todays training." I warned him, which startled him. "Steel yourself."

He pulled his arm from my grasp as he looked at me. "I'm always ready. Isn't that what you taught me?" Ty moved to the stairs as he headed upstairs.

A sigh left my lips as I moved to my office. "Am I supposed to be here, or should I leave?" Camoa's voice called out as I entered my office.

All three were looking at me. "Depends." I answered as I moved to sit in my chair. "Are you a ward?"

The men seemed confused at that. "Like those wolves?" Camoa asked back and I nodded. "No."

"You understand my hesitation, right?" I inquired as I leaned back in my chair. "After all, you were in that forest for quite some time without any complications."

"I'm not offended. I can leave if you so desire."

My shoulders slumped slightly. "You might not even know, so it doesn't matter. If my suspicions are correct, it's not like they can do anything." Rummaging through my desk, I pulled out several scrolls and held them up before the group. "Here, Vome. Tell me what you think."

Vome caught one of the scrolls that I had tossed while I set the others atop the desk. The dwarf seemed interested as he glanced at me. Unwrapping the scroll, he opened it and his eyes immediately widened. I watched as his eyes darted about the parchment as he examined it closed. Allen and Camoa also looked it over closely from over his shoulder.

"...What is this?" Vome's voice came in at a whisper with clear awe.

"A ship." I answered. "Of sorts."

Allen slowly looked up at me. "This is unlike any ship I've ever seen."

"I'd be very surprised if you had." Leaning forward, I tapped the other scrolls as they all looked at me. "These are blueprints from what I could remember. This worlds technology is sorely lacking in making such a vessel... But...!" My fingers steepled together in front of me as my elbows rested on the desk. "I was hoping with dwarven ingenuity, the ways of druids, elven magic, and human tenacity, we might be able to make this."

Vome was the first to speak as the other two were completely lost. "Well, I cannot say for sure. This is beyond anything I've ever attempted to make, and I certainly would need help." He looked it over a little more. "This is clearly not just a simple ship." His eyes then locked on mine. "What is this, really?"

A smirk came to my lips. "Let's call it the future. It might also be my last resort. That is all I will say on the matter."

All three frowned at my wording. "You wish for my crew to sail with this?" Allen inquired.

"Allen, you will herald in a new age of discovery and adventure. This ship will do so much more than sail."

Camoa then gestured to the other scrolls. "How do you expect us to make such a thing if we don't have the means to actually do so?"

"The dwarves owe me a favor and I know an elf or two who are more creative than they should be. With my knowledge, and everyone's help, I think there is a very real possibility of succeeding." I answered.

"Even the sheer scope of this project would take thousands of workers under a coordinated effort." Vome pointed out.

"Tens of thousands." I quickly added and I put my pointer finger on the desk. "None of you would believe me if I explained to you what this really is. So, for the moment, I just want to know whether or not I have your help."

Vome chuckled. "I may not know what it is, but it is what I signed up for. This thing seems like it might change the world!"

Allen looked at me concerned. "Is this to help us in our fight against the demons?"

"Yes and no. It can help, but I want this built for another reason."

"May we know what that reason might be?" Camoa pressed further.

I shook my head. "Until I know for certain, I will not add paranoia to our list of things to be concerned about. While I may not entirely deserve it, your trust would be appreciated."

"Who fuckin cares!?" Vome asked excitedly. "Just look at this!" He held up the scroll before reaching to the others and opening them. "The amount of details is unbelievable! It doesn't get better than this! A step for step plan on how to change this world!"

"Just because one 'can' change the world, doesn't mean one should." Camoa said in a warning tone as she looked at me.

"On that, we can agree, Camoa. Unfortunately, this is necessary. Otherwise, I wouldn't be suggesting it. Weapons came to mind, but this..." I pointed at the scrolls. "This could save hundreds of thousands of lives."

All three of them were surprised at that. "Well, I'm very interested, but you clearly don't have the manpower to take on such a task." Come commented.

Allen nodded in agreement. "How do you plan on getting the materials to build this? Resources like this aren't rare, but I've never heard of these in such large quantities being available anywhere."

Camoa looked at me as if a switch had flipped in her mind. "Rock!" She said with a gasp. "He can find them!" A small smirk came to her lips. "And if he can't, he can find more valuable metals to pay for them."

"Exactly. He will also be helping build this if he's willing." My attention turned back to Vome. "Aside from that, how do you feel about seeing how the new dwarven and druid alliance is going?"

Vome quirked a brow at that. "You want to head back to Vithari?" I nodded. "I just fuckin got here!" He groaned. "Can I stay?"

A chuckle came to my lips at that. "It won't be that long of a trip. I can open a portal to Dwardew's ruins. We can find where the dwarves and druids are from there." He pulled at his beard in thought. "But you did just travel for several months. So, I understand if you're a little reluctant."

He groaned. "I'll go... Just, take us somewhere other than Dwardew. I left the capital for a reason." Vome's mirth disappeared at that.

"Of course." I told him with a solemn nod. "I understand. We can always appear in the desert or along the coast."

Vome sighed at that. "Alright. Let's get this over with."

I shook my head. "Take your time to rest. There's no hurry. We'll head east in a day or two. Rest for the moment. We need to discuss this project in more details before we head there. Going to meet the dwarves and druids without a solid plan seems pointless. We'll go when we have a place to start building."

Allen crossed his arms at that. "Speaking of, where do you plan to build such a monumental ship? It would be almost impossible to hide this project."

"Normally I would suggest the forest, but I think that ship has sailed." Camoa smirked at her pun as us men looked at her with a raised brow. "So, one of our goals is to find a place to create such a massive ship, that by these instructions," She paused as she grabbed the scroll and looked it over before she continued. "Appears to be larger than Mt. Helmsforth itself."

"Don't worry about where the project will take place. I can handle that with Rock's help." My attention turned to Allen. "Inform your men that they'll be busy soon. They'll be paid under my employ along with given housing, food, and other necessities, but inform them that this will be a long term project."

The former Lestranian captain nodded. "Of course." He left the room to do as instructed.

"If you don't need me for the moment, I'm gonna go find that giant fuckin golem!" Vome said happily as he left the office.

That left Camoa and me alone. "Are you sure this is the best course of action? Wouldn't raising an army be better than-"

I cut her off. "My plans for the upcoming summit are still underway. No single army will be able to repel the demon's forces. The dwarves and druids are the perfect example of that. Besides, there's no army that we can raise that would be able to handle even one of their generals." Gesturing to myself with a frown, I continued. "I'm the perfect example of that."

Camoa began tracing one of the vines on her arms in thought. "Very well. If you think this is our best course of action, I will aid in the construction of this ship. Inform me when I am needed." I gave her a small nod and she left the room.

My hands instinctively picked up the scroll as I looked it over. Memories of my past came flooding to the forefront of my mind. Times on the moon going over plans and blueprint models. This 'ship' was meant to follow after me years after my mission. Decades even. Instead, I was sucked into a blackhole and ended up here. It was, with all intents and purposes, meant to be an ark.

Tracing the sketch, my fingers almost trembled. "So much potential and so much at stake. Will this become the beginning of the greatest city and or nation to ever grace this world's surface, or will it become a vessel to preserve this world..." I whispered to myself. My fingers steepled together and tightened until my knuckles turned white. "That's only if it is completed."

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