Chapter 566: Chapter 566

Lucia's Point of View

Pendragon Estate

Aydalia was present as blood covered the floor in the entry way. The trail leading up to Marina's creek was dreadful. As was her wounds... Rock watched the water as it turned dark red, and he began pacing back and forth. When nothing else happened her roared angrily, which startled all of us, but he quickly sat beside the water.

"What happened?!" Aydalia hissed at me.

I shook my head. "I don't know. Arthur said something about Marina before he disappeared. Next thing I know, Marina flies out into the courtyard a few minutes later with Arthur's hand in tow!"

Ayda startled us from the stairs where she sat. "Does that really matter?"

"Ayda!" Her mother chastised.

"It was not meant to be an insult or show disinterest. Realistically speaking, Marina is the one we should be concerned about. Arthur has suffered more grievous wounds then a severed hand." The young Elf explained in a bored manner. "He should be fine in his recovery and was obviously more concerned about Marina's condition."

I bit my lip for a moment. "Maybe." Was my weak response. "But there are few who would be able to cut off his hand." My tightened into a frown as I turned to Aydalia. "Do you think the Demons were there?"

Ayda sighed as she stood and came down the stairs while she looked over the blood in distaste. "Unlikely. You need to remember that Arthur is a rather dramatic individual. He may have lost his hand purposefully." Her magic activated and the blood started to slowly disappear. "Although, I doubt he would have allowed Marina to get injured on purpose."

I shook my head. "It's too close. Feels like it's coming from the Middle Ocean."

"Why would Arthur be there?" Pestilence inquired.

"Training, perhaps?" Credo offered.

"It's not Klasteris, so we ignore it. Arthur will deal with whatever mess he got into on his own. Our deal was we would assist him when Klasteris returned." I told them.

"Still, it has been a few weeks now. I wasn't expecting it to return within a few days, but how long will we need to wait?" Credo questioned.

Turning away from where Mordred's energy pulsed, I replied. "As long as we need to. Let's carry on."

Pestilence groaned as he fell in behind me with his brother. "And where exactly are we going? Do we have an actual target this time?"

Credo answered. "I'm not overly interested in any targets specifically. However, I would be interested in seeing how the Dwarves and Druids are getting on. It would be amusing to see how they've come together after the destruction of Dwardew."

The bandaged demon snorted. "I would've loved to have seen that fight. Also, the look on Tor's face. Can you imagine that smug smog of shadows being completely surprised by Arthur?"

I snorted at that. "That would've been a sight to see. Maybe we'll still get that chance in the future." My head shot to over my shoulder as Arthur's energy disappeared entirely.

"Good thing we didn't go help him." Credo mumbled.

My eyes darted around as I looked at the horizon. It was odd, but there was nothing that could be done about it. Maybe he was just training. Yet, somehow I doubted it.

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