Chapter 562: Chapter 562

Arthur's Point of View

Pendragon Estate

"You? Nervous?" She asked back, playfully. "What could possibly make you nervous?"

I shrugged. "There're so many unknowns right now. I'm not a very big fan of being in the dark."

She rose a brow at that. "I know that feeling all to well." Lucia grabbed my arm with both her hands as she squeezed me slightly. "Is this about me?" That surprised me. "Do you think I'm not your-"

Cutting her off, I quickly spoke. "No!" Her eyes quickly met mine, and I continued more calmly. "No. I know we've discussed the possibility, but no matter what, I am here for you. No matter what you might need." My freehand patted the top of her head which got her ears to wiggle. "Elias... He's going to return."

"What?" She whispered in disbelief.

"That was my vision. He returns, along with Klasteris, and for some reason, you're there. I don't know why, but..." I sighed in frustration. "When he returns, we need to be ready. That's why I've been pushing your training. That's why I've moved up Rock, Breeze, and Marina leaving. Thana is likely on edge right now, but who's to say that'll stay the same when Elias returns."

"I see..." Pulling her into some manner of hug, I looked down at her as she looked up at me in surprise. "Arthur?"

"Yes. He needs to know what it's like to struggle. His life, while it may have not had the best start, has been one of luxury. Maybe not in recent times, but if he wants to be a pillar for people to rely on, he'll need to face countless dangers and overcome them."

"You should really tell him what Arceana and Elincia have done... Alwin talked to me about Arceana's plan to sell me to you. Aydalia gave me the specifics, and Cassidy told me what Elincia did when she came to you at the Reed Farmstead." Tugging his arm slightly, he frowned. "Maybe it would help put things in perspective for Typhon?"

He seemed to ponder my words for a moment before he answered. "I already bad mouth those two often enough. Not to mention I slept with Elincia. They are family. Typhon truly thinks of them as his parents. Two mothers. Two headaches for me." Arthur looked away from me. "Maybe I'm biased, but I don't think telling him about the horrible deeds of the ones who took him in would be right."

I scoffed a little at that. "This coming from the same man who continually talks about how annoying they are?"

Arthur actually chuckled at that. "True, but it's usually about more mundane things. What do you think Ty would do if he found out about them trying to sell you? What would he do if he found out that they had continually tried to murder me?" Arthur looked back down at me. "Would he come here like many others?" He asked with a knowing look.

Reluctantly, I nodded. "Likely. Ayda, and I, along with everyone else, is here."

"And how do you think our lovely Priestesses would respond to that?"

"Does it matter?" I questioned. "You already destroyed Arceana's throne. Alwin's told me she just spends most days in her room with few attendants."

"I-" Arthur started, and stopped just as suddenly as one of his hands went to his head. "Marina?" He whispered, but quickly stepped away from as both his hands clutched his head.

Rushing to his side as he cried in pain, I tried to comfort him. "Arthur!? What's wrong?!" I asked him as he fell to his knees and curled over. "Arthur!"

Taking a deep breath, he spoke. "Marina!" A portal appeared under him, and he disappeared.

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