Chapter 527: Chapter 527

Arthur's Point of View

Pendragon Estate

Apparently, my tone came out harsher than I wanted as even Aydalia and Alwin flinched. "My wish was to apologize to General Farro for the pain he was caused... The humiliation and torture he had to endure." Freya informed me softly. "Given that his state is partially my fault, I had hoped to help him if he needed anything."

Alwin, to my surprise, smiled as he leaned back onto some pillows. "The thought, and offer, are appreciated. However, they are unnecessary. I heard you voice your distaste for what your mother was doing several times. You even insisted she let us go." The Elf stated before he gestured to me with a weak nod. "Arthur has several of the memories as well from Lucia and he confirmed the same."

Aydalia decided to pitch in as well. "Not many would've stood against their parents, much less their ruler, in such a situation." She then glanced to her boy before she moved to sit on the side of the bed next to him. "Alwin told me how you snuck him some food and water. He's likely alive thanks to your refusal to follow your queens' orders."

That was something I did not know. "Hmm." I hummed out and turned their attention back to me. "The more you know..." My comment made the mother and son exchange a glance with one another, but neither spoke out.

"I wanted to thank you again as we-" Freya began as she turned to me.

"Unnecessary." I cut her off.

The Succubae looked nervous at that. "Very well." Freya quickly turned back to Alwin. "Did you need any help?" She asked the Elf.

"I'm planning on stepping down from my position. Both as a General and Knight of Lestrania."

Aydalia was looking at me with such tensity that it unnerved me slightly. "Why?" Mamma Farro asked after a moment.

"Aside from the obvious?" I shot back with a cocked brow. "Avoiding Arceana would probably be best. It will also be the perfect punishment for what happened. For me anyway." The three were quiet as they listened. "Can't have Generals going around trying to kill people. Sends a bad message."

Alwin snorted at that. "You don't say?"

I nodded. "I do say. Anyway, staying under whatever manner of power they think they have isn't something I feel like doing."

Aydalia tapped one of her fingers in thought. "Then why did you do it in the first place?"

"Bored, mostly. That, and it was something to do. Not like I had anything better to do." Both Elves seemed surprised at that.

"That's why you became a Knight?" Alwin inquired in disbelief. "You were bored?"

"I say bored, but indifferent would also fit." My neck rolled in slight annoyance. "This is the best course of action. Alwin will bring this up to Elincia, who can bring it up to Arceana, and boom! Everyone's happy."

Alwin, being the piece of shit he is, immediately pointed out the flaws in my brilliant plan. "And you think both Priestesses will be fine with you remaining in this house, the base of the mountain, Helmsforth in general, or even Lestrania as a whole?"

I shrugged. "That's the beauty of it. It's not my problem. I bought this house fair and square. Both Arceana and Elincia can suck my dic-" My voice caught as I realized what I was about to say. "Well, they'll get over it sooner or later." A scoff left my lips. "Pfft. If not, what're they gonna do?"

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