Chapter 525: Chapter 525

Arthur's Point of View

Pendragon Estate

I soon found the entire room looking at me. The other adults hoping I would answer, and one boy looking confused. Crouching down, Austin was a little taller than me now. My elbows went to my knees as I looked up at him.

After a moment, I put one hand on his head. "Some bad things have happened. Kine dying is one of them. Lucia and Alwin being... 'Questioned' is another." My words were light because I didn't know what Cass had told him. "When I returned, I was..." A sigh left my lips. "I was very sick, Austin, and I was very upset. It didn't make for a good combination."

"Is that why all these Succubae are here?" He asked. "Are ya helpin them?"

"No. Lucia is. I... At this point, I'll do whatever she wants. She wants to help them."

"Even though they're the ones who hurt her?"

"Yeah..." I let out slowly with a sigh.

"Even though they killed Kine?"

He paused. "Could ah? Probably. Get it back here in one piece? Eh..." Austin trailed off.

A hearty chuckle came from my chest as I started ruffling his hair again. "Marina, would you be a doll?"

She smirked. "I will help him. Come along Austin." The two left rather quickly to help Cassidy as the door was left cracked open.

Rennal was the one who spoke. "So, I hear you and Priestess Elincia may have had an intimate night together..." I turned back to the two women on the bed. Rennal's cheeks were rather rosy, but it seemed she was quite interested in some of the juicy details. "Should we expect you to be in the Temple more often after such a night of coitus?"

"That's the delicate way of putting it. Apparently, almost everyone in that city knew Elincia and I had a long night together." Was my response. "Not gonna lie, not sure how I was even able to get an erection." I told them.

"Trouble getting it up? It happens ta more men than ya think?" Cass decided to add unhelpfully.

"Very fuckin funny." I stared at Cass for a second before I replied. "No. It's mostly because I had drained quite a bit of my own blood." While I made a slitting motion against my wrists, I explained. "I slit my own wrists a few hours earlier to try and get some of the poison out my system." Both women grimaced. "Mix that in with having low energy, being drunk, and you get poor decision-making skills at their finest."

Cass spoke slowly. "Ah guess it makes sense why ya'd be surprised about even bein able ta..." She coughed shyly. "Use your body in that manner."

"Guess my erection was too powerful and made its own blood."

"That's not how that works." Rennal pointed out, as tastefully as she could.

"It's how my dick works!" I said as I gestured to it only for someone to clear their throat behind me. My eyes closed, and I didn't even want to look, but I did. Her purple eyes were focused on me as one brow rose slowly as she crossed her arms. "...Hi, Lucia."

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