Chapter 523: Chapter 523

Arthur's Point of View

Pendragon Estate

"I think your talk of scrying into the future is more important." Ayda stated as she walked in, set down a small box, and opened it. "However, this is the component you were hoping for." Inside was a white crystal or gemstone of some kind.

I gave her a forced look. "Hope is such a strong word."

Ayda rolled her eyes. "This is the solution you were looking for. Try putting your energy into the crystal catalyst."

Grabbing it reluctantly, I did as instructed before it glowed a bright blue to match my energy. "Okay. Now what?"

"Obviously, we need to run some tests. I know it works with magic, so it will be more focused on how long your energy lasts while it is being used to sustain the Succubae."

"Lovely." I replied dryly.

"Yes. It is." Ayda confirmed. "Once these tests are done, I will acquire more crystals for you to charge. As for your train, you would be better off asking Greigh or Ziah. I was helping Cass with her runes for the last several weeks."

"Okay, first of all, rude. Second, I'm pretty sure I put you on that project for a reason."

I chose to ignore that sarcasm. "Of course I am. I'm me."

Ayda actually frowned at that. "You left to avoid dealing with-"

"Let's not get into that. I had more legitimate reasons for going to Vithari. One, Elincia and Arceana dropped the ball. Neither stepped up, which meant that I had to. Plus, it gave me the opportunity to get some sweet rewards." I told the group.

"Such as?" Aydalia inquired curiously.

"I'll let you know as soon as I get them. Anyway, we are way off track. The potion is more reckless curiosity at this point. There are other, more important things to deal with before trying to hold a summit of the world's bitch ass leaders."

"I can already see this summit going swimmingly." Ayda commented.

"Love the vote of confidence."

Camoa finally started picking up her mess. "Looking into the future is doable, but it will take some time. Your other projects will likely need your attention before the option is even available to you. We can discuss this more then." The Druid told us.

I shrugged. "Works for me. Doubt the potion will work correctly anyway."

"Then why do you want it?" Aydalia asked in a serious tone. "It doesn't seem worth the risk."

"Because we've been caught off guard a few times by Thana's forces. I'd like a heads up if I can get one. The potion might be a dud, it might not work correctly on me or even melt my internal organs, but I'm willing to take that chance." I explained back in a tone matching hers. "She got a warning in the East. Doesn't mean she'll listen to it. Besides, there's clearly more to worry about than just her. I just wish I knew who all is against us. A male Hight Elf attacking us in Vithari proves that."

On that dark note, the room went quiet. "So," Aydalia started as she turned to Camoa. "How long until you get that potion made?"

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