Chapter 511: Chapter 511

Lucia's Point of View

Pendragon Estate

Behind her were dozens of the Priestesses' special guards. Much like Aydalia used to be, they were agents in service of the Lestranian Priestesses. All of which were barely containing any manner of hostility with their glares.

"While I am surprised to see you alive, Lady Lucia, I am very thankful you survived. The Priestesses will be relieved at the news." Her eyes quickly moved to my sides. "Greigh. Ziah. Glad you two are okay." Kheri greeted her Zugal friends.

"Same." Greigh replied. "Was worried about you."

Kheri smirked at that. "Don't worry about me, Captain, but the concern is noted."

Ziah just sighed. "Can we just talk?" She asked. "Without the use of force or veiled threats?"

General Naset's smirk grew into a smile. "That's what I'm hoping for. Is Arthur here? I really need to speak with him. It's urgent."

"Our orders were to take in-" One of the guards from outside started but was quickly cut off.

"I'm afraid I must insist you stay outside." I cut in again as the three Zugal armed themselves. "Otherwise, I cannot guarantee your safety."

He looked behind us for a moment before he replied. "Given that Arthur has yet to come down, I will assume he is preoccupied." Dashing forward, they tried to reach the house but quickly found themselves frozen in place. "What the-"

Marina's voice cut in. "Very unwise to ignore Lucia's advice." She slowly landed behind the group of guards with Breeze. "Threatening her even more so."

A rumbling came from below as Rock climbed out of the ground and roared. "You see?" I began after a moment as they were all quickly restrained. "Coming into this house would've been close to committing suicide."

"Even after she asked us to be nice." Some ice sickles started to form as they hung inches from the guard's necks. "One of us might just slip on accident." Marina told them. "They'll be staying out in the cold with Breeze and I. Rock, close the door, and don't leave Lucia's side."

Rock slammed on the ground before backing up toward us. We stepped away so he wouldn't accidentally trample on us, but when he grabbed the doors and slammed them shut, cracks shot out like webs on the walls. He huffed for a moment before he turned to me, and I just nodded.

"Thank you, Rock." At least Arthur likely wouldn't care.

Kheri slowly held up her hands as Rock turned his gaze to her. "I had nothing to do with any of that." She quickly stated.

He turned his gaze back to me. "She's fine." Rock snorted but did nothing else. "Come in, Kheri. Not sure if your welcome in Arthur's house, but he placed me in charge for the moment."

"I see." Was her soft response as she put her sword away.

"So..." Ziah let out slowly. "Anyone want a drink?"

"After what happened last time?" Kheri asked back as she held up her hands again. "No thanks. Especially not if Arthur's around."

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