Chapter 506: Chapter 506

Cassidy's Point of View

The Slums

It was odd strolling through The Slums after everything that had happened. Austin and Rennal accompanied me as we picked up supplies. With Rennal's help, carrying everything was much easier. It wasn't until we got to The Rainy Helm that things started to go downhill.

"Sherry." I greeted the owner.

She looked up in surprise. "Cass!?" The owner quickly sighed in relief. "I'm glad you're alright."

One of my brows raised. "Why wouldn't Ah be?"

"Rumor has it Arthur went rogue. That giant creature came here at his call." Putting her dirty blonde hair up in a ponytail, she shrugged. "I figured it was false, but many also say you were present."

"Things are..." I began, then sighed. "Things are a bit crazy right now. Arthur didn't go rogue. The Priestesses... Look, Ah know Arthur. You know Arthur. Do ya really think he'd do that?"

Moving around behind the counter, she started getting ready for the day. "I know him a bit. Man's a hero. Didn't really make sense to me that he would call that creature here and then just leave if he really did go rogue. Weather was a bit crazy, which made everyone nervous, but it makes for one heck of a story." Putting a crate on the counter, she looked at me. "You know how this place is. Until an official story is released, everyone will whisper. Once the official story is released, half will believe it unconditionally, and the other half will question the legitimacy."

He nodded. "Understandable."

"What's going on?" Sherry asked slowly as she saw how I reacted as Rennal and Austin rushed to her side.

"Good question!" Floyd said. "By your reaction, you'd think I was here to take you away or something."

Stepping closer, I moved directly in front of the three others. "Who can say? Ya surprised me the other day outside the Temple. Didn't take ya for one ta keep secrets."

He smirked at that. "I could say the same. You and Ayda certainly went behind all our backs. Embedding runes into your own skin? Brilliantly mad." Floyd stepped further in and closed the door behind him firmly. "The consequences, though... Did you really think everything through? Asking for such a thing from Ayda is... Well, I'm sure she considered everything. That's just how she is. Speaking of, where is Ayda?"

I rose a brow at that. "Yer lookin for Ayda?"

Floyd nodded. "You know how I worry. She's always forgetting things. Even Typhon is-"

"Stop." I cut in. "Whatever this is, stop." My tone was firm. "Ya want Ayda, find her yourself.

His smirk fell. "Oh, I plan to. Just as I plan to inform the Priestesses about your return. Make sure you tell Arthur to expect visitors later. I'll likely be stopping by as well since Ayda is likely there."

"Ah'll be sure ta let Arthur know ta expect the Priestesses and other guests." I sarcastically replied.

He merely stared at me for a moment before he turned to Sherry. "I'll see you tonight for my shift!" His cheery disposition came back only for an instant before he teleported away.

My nose twitched as my lips were into a frown. "Sherry, any food ya can spare would be a huge help." I quickly turned back to Rennal and Austin. "And we need ta get back ta Arthur's place."

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