Chapter 491: Chapter 491

Lucia's Point of View

Pendragon Estate

I watched as the man covered his eyes, and I saw his lips tremble. "You can just ignore the question, Arthur." My voice reached him, but he didn't respond. "Not like it matters."

Arthur removed his hand as he turned and faced me. "It might." He told me before he turned to see who all was listening in, and quite a few were as they were spread out across the room. "They all know anyway." The man's tone was bitter.

"Know what?" I asked with a raised brow.

Sighing, I reached over and took his hands in mine. "Arthur, I know you are trying to tell me something, but it would be best if you were to just come out with it."

"I went back and killed almost all the succubae. The men, women, and children. It didn't matter to me. Only few of them remain, and I left them alive at a whim." That was... Difficult to take in. "That, and I wanted to confront the other person who I felt was responsible for your death." I just waited for him to continue. "And I may have stabbed Arceana with the intention of killing her."

Needless to say, my eyes widened at that, but I heard someone shout from out in the hallway. "He was poisoned, and parts of his brain had literally died!" Marina informed us. "Our father wasn't exactly reasonable at the time!"

My mouth closed as I tried to take all this in. "As disturbing as all this is to hear, and while I am glad that it may have not been entirely your own decision, I am confused, Arthur." I told him. "Were you scared I wouldn't understand you trying to kill Arceana while you were poisoned? If it's about the Succubae, I'm sure they knew the risks, and I warned them as such from what Alwin told me." Squeezing his hands, I moved my head so I could look him in the eye. "What is this all about, Arthur. Tell me."

"Well," He cleared his throat as he pulled his hands back shakily. "There's a chance, and a rather good one, that I might be..." Arthur trailed off as he gestured to himself and then me. "I, and you..." His hands shook horribly as he continued to make rather choppy motions to the two of us. "I'm, uh, possibly your dad."

"I see." I said after a moment. "You're my-" My voice caught in my throat as I had finally processed what he had said. "What?" I let out in a shocked whisper as my eyes widened and my own hands started to shake.

Arthur cleared his throat once more. "I said- I said I'm probably your father, Lucia."

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