Chapter 485: Chapter 485

Arthur's Point of View

Depths of the Hollow Forest

"How'd it go?" Aydan inquired as I returned to the base of the tree-like island.

"Is she safe?"

"Who?" He asked, confused for a moment, but continued at my look. "Mara?" I nodded, and his head bounced in thought. "As safe as she can be given her situation."

My jaw tightened as I spoke. "When was the last time she was here?"

His eyebrows shot up in thought. "It's been a long time. Long before your appearance even. Easily a couple hundred years." Aydan shrugged. "I can't be too sure, given my form and lack of ability to keep track of time."

"How was she?"

He hummed in distaste. "That would've been the second time she showed up. She was injured. Severely." My eyes met his, and he explained further. "The first time Mara came here, she had just escaped. Marina healed her scars, and we spoke before she went on her way. Mara wanted to look for her doubles and you." At my look, he nodded. "It was dangerous, but there wasn't anything I could do to stop her."

Closing my eyes, I asked again. "And the second time she visited?"

Shaking my head, I sat down. "It's not the same. Where would I start?"

Sitting down across from me, the ghost smirked. "I've found that when you don't know which way to go, a step in any direction is a step forward. You just need to be willing to take that first step." A laugh then escaped his lips. "Although you've been practically sprinting since you came here. Maybe taking a step back wouldn't be the worst thing in the world?" He offered.

A shaky sigh left my lips. "I've missed you."

"Me too." His form shimmered for a moment, and he smiled. "I don't have long left."

"Can I give you some of my energy to-" He shook his head and cut me off.

"No." His tone was tired. "When I disappear, my emerald ring will appear. Take it. It will help you with Elias. This was the last thing I will be able to do for them, Arthur. He will return, and when he does, you'll be ready for him."

"...What do I do?"

"When you've weakened him, put my ring on him. It should separate the Demon from Elias. Keep the ring on him until you're positive the Demon is dead. Once that is done, place it where my body fell. Anywhere in Klasteris will do, but to be free of this ring, I must be returned near where I died."

I nodded. "It will be done."

He smiled. "Thank you. Would you mind if I were to see them? My descendants." Aydan clarified.

We stared at one another for a moment before I called out to the top of the hole. "To all members of the Farro family, come down the hole! Someone would like to meet you!"

"Have Lucia come down to." At my look, he continued. "Please?"

"Also, Lucia! Have her come down as well!"

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