Chapter 442: Chapter 442

Elincia's Point of View

Dwarven Coast/Harbor City

I frowned. "Something is clearly wrong, Arthur."

Somehow, someway, he still found it in himself to give me a sarcastic round of applause. "You're a detective, Elincia. Nothing gets by you."

"I'm serious!"

"So am I." He responded snidely. "There's a lot wrong with our situation."

A sigh escaped my lips. "Can you think of nothing else about why this may be happening? Are you low on energy?"

He shook his head. "No. Well, yes... As I said, I've been steadily increasing it to try and combat this damn migraine." Blinking his eyes as if trying to clear away the stars, he groaned in pain. "The only thing I can think of is maybe some pointy-eared fuck is trying to speak to me telepathically or some shit."

"Priestess Elincia." My General said more firmly. "What is happening?"

"Arthur has returned to Lestrania. Something has happened, but I do not know what. I fear what may happen should we stay here." I told her. "The Elves' magic will be enough of a boost to safely teleport such a long distance. Tell them to hurry. We have little time."

Arceana's Point of View

Helmsforth Temple

Sitting on my throne as I waited for those I summoned to gather was always a little dull. However, as the time drew closer, there was always a bit of anticipation that would creep in. You never knew what might happen or what one might say. Cassidy certainly surprised me while she was sick by standing by Arthur Pendragon's side over mine.

A poisonous rose with thorns that seeks out those who wish to hold it. That is the only possible way to describe that man. Volunteering to aid the Dwarves was bold. It was also infuriating that he did it without consulting me or my sister. He claims to care not for power, yet he continually abuses the difference in our strength. The man is, without a doubt, the worst hypocrite I've ever met.

The door opened, and one of my guards came in. "Priestess!" He greeted as he kneeled before me.

"Have our guests arrived?"

"Many have made their way to the Temple, but there is another matter that has come up. It's rather urgent." Many of the other guards present seemed surprised at that.

"What is so urgent that you would come a few minutes before our meeting?" I inquired calmly.

His head bowed deeper as he answered. "Lady Aydalia Farro," The guard began. "She's opened her eyes."

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