Chapter 438: Chapter 438

Arthur's Point of View


"Mordred?" Mara's voice came in hazily. "Did you enjoy your time at the banquet?"

"Mara." I called out to her.

"Were you looking for me?" It felt like I was back in my old cloak. "Mordred?!" Her touch was something I had missed.

The sound of the fireplace, mixed with Mara's scent, and her touch... What was this memory? Everything was soft. Soon, the sound of rain could be heard tapping on her window. It merely mixed in with the sound of her breathing. I felt her hand in mine.

"Mordred..." She whispered into my lips.

Arthur's Point of View

Dwarven Coast/Harbor City

"Coming right up."

As soon as she left, Kheri slid onto the chair across from me. "Are you insane?!" She asked in a hushed tone but was clearly upset about something.

Holding up my hand for her to calm down, I kept my head on the table. "Sure. Why not?"

"Arthur!" Her tone was agitated.

Lifting my head up, I looked at her. "Okay, what's this about?" I asked as I took another chug of water.

"Do you know nothing about decorum!?" She demanded as she leaned in. "I know you both have needs, but there is a thing called discretion, Arthur!" Kheri chastised, angrily.

Groaning as she was getting louder, I sighed. "What the actual fuck are you talking about, Kheri? I just woke up and don't feel like playing twenty questions. Plus, I have a really bad headache for some reason. Like there's this itching in the back of my sku-"

"This isn't a game! Have you lost your mind!?" She cut me off before gesturing to me. "I know you can block sounds, and she can use magic! Why would the two of you let something like this be so well known!? Do you know how bad this looks?!"

"Slow down." I told her. "Take a breath and relax." She just stared at me, and one of her eyes twitched. "Or don't. Look, I'm gonna be honest... I have no idea what you're talking about."

Kheri's gaze intensified as she spoke in her hushed tone. "You're telling me you don't remember anything about last night?"

I gestured lazily. "There was the conga line. I might remember breaking into song and perhaps even sobbing uncontrollably once or twice..." Then I shrugged. "That's about it." Moving the cup to my lips, I paused as something felt missing, and the itch at the back of my skull intensified. "Do you-"

Leaning in further, she cut me off. "You don't remember hauling the Priestess off to your room, giggling like a bunch of newlyweds?"

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