Chapter 434: Chapter 434

Greigh's Point of View

Reed Family Farmstead

"Have you heard anything?" The sergeant asked me as we flew through the gloomy sky.

I shook my head as we closed in on Cassidy's home. "No. That's what worries me. Cass has never been one to get this sick, and Ayda isn't one to shirk her responsibilities." Giving Ziah a glance, I spoke. "She barely checks in on the project, which in itself is concerning. Both have been rather distant." The heat from my breath could be seen in the cold.

My fellow Zugal frowned. "Maybe they just needed some time and space."

"Austin said Cass was sick and that Ayda was helping take care of her. Something's off. I can feel it."

"Even if that is the case, do we have the right to pry?" Ziah questioned.

"I'd rather not, but the Priestess is summoning all of us." A frown came to my lips. "Given what the news has to deal with, part of me is concerned about telling Ayda."

We landed in some light snow and immediately headed for the door. Giving it a firm knock, the two of us waited for a reply. The sound of footsteps could be heard coming down the stairs, and I half expected Ayda to open the door. Instead, it was a different Elf entirely.

"Hello?" A familiar voice called as she cracked the door open.

Ziah was the one who replied. "Lady Rennal?"

Ziah moved throughout the kitchen and grabbed some mismatching mugs as Rennal left. There was a fire going with fresh water already present. The Sergeant quickly made up some tea for us as we both knew where everything was. However, as she moved around and Rennal was upstairs, we spoke.

My Sergeant spoke in a whisper. "Something is wrong."

I lowered my tone as well. "I know."

"Should I go take a look?"

I pondered her question for a moment. "You might be able to get away with it since you're a woman, but I'd rather not upset Ayda and Cassidy if we can. Whatever it might be that they've been doing, as long as they're okay, I'm willing to overlook what they're up to."

Ziah replied as she moved through the kitchen. "I suppose we'll know in a few minutes."

She placed the mug in front of me, and I nodded. "We will." I confirmed. "Arthur told us to keep an eye on Cass, but I didn't think she'd be this sick. How long has it been since she checked in at the project?"

"Almost two weeks now."

"So, about the same amount of time since the Priestess heard from General Alwin and Lady Lucia?"

I nodded solemnly. "That's what she says." Taking a sip from the warm mug, I sighed. "I'm concerned she's thinking about sending Ayda and Cassidy to investigate."

Ziah leaned in as she sat down. "I don't think she would do that. If anything, it'll likely be you and me."

My eyes shot to hers. "If that happens, you're staying behind." She opened her mouth to protest, but I quickly leaned in to match her. "Both General Alwin and Lady Lucia were a part of that group. Even Kine was there, and despite him being just a student, I dare say he is rather talented." I brought my hands together on my mug to warm them. "Their group was not one to be taken lightly. If something happened to them..." I trailed off just in time.

"What are you two whispering about?" Ayda's voice cut in from the doorway.

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