Chapter 429: Chapter 429

Arthur's Point of View

Dwarven Deserts

"Rudnurth did something to Arceana and Elincia. Arceana to a far more dangerous degree, but Elincia still has smaller moments from what you've told me." I explained. "He's their older brother and was king before them. Not a very good one, though. So, I imagine he altered their memories as a failsafe of sorts to keep me away."

Kheri frowned. "That is... Disturbing, to say the least."

I shrugged. "They were made to forget me, and Elincia knows, which is why we got into that fight. I imagine hearing some of those names touched on her locked memories. Thus, her headache." With a sigh, I closed my eyes. "Arceana is more extreme. Say one wrong thing that triggers her to remember, and she starts bleeding from her nose before blacking out."

"So, you've been protecting them?"

"In my own way."

"Then why were you erased, and who else was?"

I went to answer, but my throat was drying up rather quickly. Drinking more water, I coughed to try and clear my throat. Being asleep for four days left me feeling hollow. Although I was doing better, that poison was still there, and my body still felt heavy. Kheri moved beside me and patted my back for a moment.

Clearing my throat, I held up my hand to show her I was alright. "I'm not entirely certain about why some of us were erased." I told her as she moved back to her seated position. "However, I was erased because I was a threat to Rudnurth, and that is all I will say about it." I gestured to her lazily. "Others were likely erased to either help with them forgetting my existence, or for them to not realize how corrupt he was."

Sitting in thought, she crossed her legs as she grabbed one of her wings in thought. "How do you know he was corrupt?"

I quirked a brow at that. "Aside from the fact that he's imprisoned in the middle of Helmsforth Mountain?" I asked back.

"But that doesn't make sense." Kheri replied. "If the Priestesses knew he was corrupt, why imprison him and let him live? Considering how he was able to alter their memories, how is it possible for him to be imprisoned right now? Shouldn't they still think he's innocent."

"I've thought about that quite a bit myself, Kheri. To be honest, I don't know how that came to be. Rudnurth is far craftier than I gave him credit for, so part of me thinks this is all part of some grand scheme of his. Given his magic, he should've been able to escape his cell a long time ago." My tone then darkened. "That should tell you enough about Rudnurth, and why he is still in his cell."

"You think he's there on purpose."

"I think it was like that originally. Now, I'm not so sure." Rubbing my throat for a moment, I continued. "Who knows what he might be thinking. Rudnurth has his own goals, but I no longer no what they are."

Kheri hummed out in thought. "Hmm."

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