Chapter 394: Chapter 394

Arthur's Point of View

Dwardew Palace

It'd been a little over a week since my battle with the Wraith. So far, I'd been able to hide what happened during our fight. Elincia and Kheri had many questions that the Dwarves and Druids avoided like the plague. They gave vague responses to the best of their ability, but the two knew something had happened. Both women were sharp, and it was kind of a giveaway when almost everywhere I went after the funeral ceremony, Dwarves and Druids alike would bow.

Although, some took it to an even higher degree of annoying. "How kind of them to show their savior their respect." Elincia commented dryly as several Dwarves were kneeling as we walked by.

"Maybe if you did more while you were here or even wanted to come in the first place, you'd be shown the same treatment." I shot back as we were led by a guard somewhere.

"You know we were in a tough position, but leaving Lestrania for you almost seemed too easy. Nothing worried you about leaving?" The Priestess replied.

"I had my people in place, and I trust them. As long as Arceana didn't do something really fucking stupid, I have no doubt everything is fine."

"We've also kept most of the people at bay. They're busy helping with the recovery efforts and scavenging, but many want to see their hero." Vitar informed me.

"Tell them to get a better hobby." I told him before I looked at Ventari. "Thank you for keeping them secluded. Is there anything I should know about them?"

"Well, I think it would best if someone were to accompany y-" Ventari began, but I quickly cut her off.

"No." Many present seemed surprised at my tone, and her son was a little put off.

She gave a small bow. "As you wish."

Elincia stepped beside me. "I also think it would be best if someone were to be present. It does not have to be me, but I have learned better than to leave you alone with prisoners." She stated firmly. "After what happened with those Zugal from the Northern Kingdoms, I cannot condone you being alone with them."

Eyeing her for a moment, my attention moved back to Ventari. "Whose prisoners are these? The Dwarves?" I asked.

"Yes?" She replied, confused.

"So, you should be the one who chooses who can visit when and with or without an escort." My gaze drifted back to Elincia.

Thankfully, the Dwarven Queen was quick to pick up what I was putting down. "I suppose I should."

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