Chapter 386: Chapter 386

Ayda's Point of View


"When she awakens," My teacher began as she pulled away from me and helped fix my hair. "Please come to the Temple. There are some things we need to discuss, and I would greatly appreciate your opinion."

"Cassidy as well?" I inquired.

The Priestess nodded. "Cassidy as well." She confirmed.

"Should I also assume you wish us to make our way there as soon as possible?"

"Very astute, as always, Ayda. We will be waiting for both of you once Cassidy wakes up."

It turned into a bit of a wrestling match as I struggled to even keep my hands over her mouth. "Cass!" I hissed in her ear as she began to sob into my hands as my chest was resting on her back. "My magic has worn out! You cannot scream!" Maybe it was the tone of my voice, but she whimpered as she nodded after a moment.

"Ayda?" She let out in an exhausted tone.

Moving to her front, I placed my hands on her cheeks. "Listen to me very carefully, Cass." Her eyes looked to me with such a haze that made me wonder if she was even coherent. "We have little time." The front of my clothes were now covered in blood and medicine, so I started to take them off. "Priestess Arceana and Lady Rennal came here looking for us." That got her attention as she looked up just a little more.

Breathlessly, she spoke in a confused tone. "Rennal? Is she okay?"

"She is just fine, but we are not. The Priestess wants our presence at The Temple as soon as possible." I told her. "This is not what I had planned, Cass, but there is no other choice. You are going to have to pull yourself together and do your best to look like normal. If we get caught now..."

"That's why ya started touchin my back?" Her voice sounded so tired, and I could relate.

"It is."

After a moment of silence, she took as deep a breath as she could, and I saw her lip quiver. "Do what ya need ta do."

This morning was more of a continuation of that hellish night we previously had. Both of us were in no shape to head to the Temple. None of this was supposed to be happening. Yet, there was no choice. Neither of us would get the rest we would need. Biting my lip as Cassidy sobbed quietly and trembled, I looked at the blood coating my hands and felt the urge to vomit once more.

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