Chapter 384: Chapter 384

Lucia's Point of View

Western Lestranian

Our convoy continued on our journey to investigate the villages and towns that had gone silent. The Veil to our right made things particularly eerie. A curtain of fog that nothing ever returned from. Something that never had anything escape from once it entered. We camped with it at our back and Alwin felt more confident being without the threat of being completely surrounded. It said it would also help us in terms of preserving magic.

Me, on the other hand, I always felt uneasy. There were times it almost sounded like there was something on the other side. However, it would always quickly disappear, and I seemed to be the only one who heard it. Zugal were overhead at all times to keep an eye on the surroundings to make sure nothing was approaching. Unfortunately, we had a woodland terrain coming up, which was making everyone nervous.

"All forces halt!" Alwin called from the front. "We make camp here for the night! Move away from The Veil to form a secure perimeter!"

As usual, everyone moved to our positions to start preparing the campsite. The soldiers bustled about as Alwin made his way over to me. This journey was taking far longer than any of us expected. Our provisions were starting to get low, and many knew it. There were talks of what would happen if the towns were completely empty upon our arrival. However, as I eyed Alwin, it seemed like this is exactly what he wanted. An excuse to return after the scouts didn't return.

As he said that, a teleportation went off right behind us. I turned to see who it was, but before I could, I felt something slam into me. Stumbling from my horse, we tumbled to the ground. My head popped up just in time to see my horse being brutally massacred as magic shot out its body. A groan could be heard, and I saw Alwin over me with blood coming from his lips.

"What...?" I whispered confused. "Alwin?"

"Run away." He told me as his magic ignited, only for his hands to be completely encased in a different magic as he was levitated off me. "Teleport, Lucia! Run!" Alwin then roared throughout the camp. "Ambush!"

Blood was running down his leg as he struggled. Shouts could be heard as horns sounded throughout the camp. Explosions started to ring out as spells were being launched haphazardly. Using my magic, I flapped my wings to help get to my feet. As I readied myself, and moved to help Alwin, a teleportation went off again. However, this time, it was directly beside me.

Turning to the side as my hands were grabbed and I hissed as magic poured into them. Dozens of shadows seemed to fall into the camp as I turned to see who dared to attack us. My breath caught when I saw them, and my body trembled. With wide eyes, I stared at the familiar offender as they held my hands harshly.

"Arceana?" I whispered in disbelief.

She had the same face, same eyes, but her hair was black, and her body was slightly different. No longer did she wear a gown fitting of a Priestess that rule the kingdom, but leather that hugged her form. She appeared more toned and hardened. Pants, boots, and more that made her look more like a common soldier than anything else. A wicked smirk was what I received in turn.

"Not quite." Was what she said right before her magic came to life and entered my body.

My screams were the last thing I heard.

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