Chapter 380: Chapter 380

Kheri's Point of View

Dwardew Palace

Tart seethed as he stood back up to his feet, and his body started to get sharper. "Not because of my orders, but because I want to." His fingers turned into a single pike on both arms.

To all of our surprise, he was launched across the room and into a wall. He stayed there for a moment and eventually looked up in surprise as a chunk of his face chipped off from where he was hit. My eyes also searched for who was responsible, and they fell onto Typhon who was standing there with his fist glowing with some manner of magic.

"I stood by because I thought it would be best to leave this to General Kheri," Lord Delmaris began. "But then I thought, what would Arthur do?" He then moved to my side with Harlow and took a combat stance. "Get up, Demon." The young lord ordered darkly. "You threaten my family, and you're gonna pay the price." His tone gave me shivers as I could almost see magic floating off him.

One of the pikes pierced Typhon's forearm. He screamed in pain as I gritted my teeth as one managed to snag some of the skin on my side. It was a small piercing and not life-threatening, but I still curled over in pain as my free hand covered the wound. Tart scrambled to his feet as I put my other arm out in front of Typhon and got him to back away.

"Kheri!" He let out concerned as he cradled his arm.

I eyed his wound for a moment. "Harlow! Get down here!" He jumped down and landed unceremoniously near us. "Attend to Lord Delmaris' wound."

He looked between the two of us. "Your wound looks more serious." Harlow commented.

"It's not. He managed to get a chunk of skin, and it hurts horribly, but we cannot allow the young lord's wound to get worse." My breath caught for a moment as I hissed. "Out of all of us, I'm the only one who has experience in this type of situation. Once he's been taken care of, I'll need help." Wind surrounded me, and I felt my feathers shift from my magic. "I don't have much magic right now, so use the time wisely."

"I can still fight!" Typhon shouted.

"You're gonna have to. There is no choice in the matter." I stated. "With these wounds, if we don't work together now, all of us will die."

Tart panted in pain as the cracks on his body worsened. "I don't care anymore." He said suddenly before impaling his left arm with his righthanded pike and ripped it off. "Surviving was never an option for me." His arm slammed into the ground as some dust floated into the air. "This was meant for the king, but I suppose he'll get his dose when he finds your mangled corpses!" Waving his arm all over, the dust started to spread.

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