Chapter 371: Chapter 371

Cassidy's Point of View

The Lowest Rung

Ayda's Library

Reaching for a knife, Ayda quickly sliced her hand as she went around specific spots on the diagram. Her blood would collect into one spot on the floor before moving to the next. It was an alarming amount of blood as they pooled into eight different spots.

Pulling her hand back, she moved over to a table and held it over a bowl. Some more blood poured into it before it completely healed with her magic. Ayda tried to continue working but stumbled, and I moved to help her into a chair. She breathed heavily as she brought her hand up to her head to gather herself.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Just some blood loss. Give me a moment." Ayda replied before she stood and handed me the knife. "You need to mix your blood into the bowl as well." She stated as she took her cloak off.

Taking my top off, Ayda moved next to me and traced her fingers along my now naked back. My breath caught for a moment since I wasn't used to someone touching me like that. Well, no one other than Rennal. I couldn't see her, but I soon felt her arms wrap around me in a hug from behind before her forehead rested on the back of my shoulder. She was rather short compared to me.

"Ayda?" I called out to her.

"For what it is worth, Cass, I am sorry." A sniffle escaped my friend. "This will probably be the most painful thing you will ever have to endure. Even with doing everything right, you could still die from the pain, Cass."

Grabbing her hands in mine, I sighed. "Ah'll be fine. No matter what happens, ya just force me ta continue if ya have to."

Her arms unwrapped from me and made their way to my back as they ran across my back. "I will be starting with your back. It is the largest surface area and will be the most painful overall."

My nerves were starting to get to me as I shook. "Ah figured the ribs or inner thighs would be the most painful."

"Other parts may hurt more due to their sensitivity, but your back will be the starting point for everything else." The Elf explained in a matter-of-fact tone. "Its size alone is the biggest problem. Your torso will be next, and we will expand from there. All this to say, your first two sessions will be the longest and easily the most painful."

"Getting the hard part over with isn't the worst idea." I stated as she pulled away from me.

"So, you say." Looking over my shoulder, I saw her grab the bowl. "But how long will you keep that outlook?" She asked as she walked over to me. "Do not take these words as words of comfort. Even on the smaller parts of your body, it will still cause unimaginable pain." Ayda then held up the bowl for me to look in. "This will be melting into your skin, muscles, and bones. It etches into everything in every sense of the word. Kind of like carving away what was once there and being replaced with the runes entirely, but also not entirely. Truly a fascinating subject."

That was concerning, to say the least. "Melts?" I asked. "Won't that kill me?"

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