Chapter 366: Chapter 366

Arthur's Point of View

Dwardew Outskirts

I was using a double-sided Gravity Pillar and throwing it out almost like a frisbee. It would essentially cut any Demonic forces it would touch in half. Those who could dodge would be slammed into the ground while a limb was ripped from them. Whether it was an arm or a leg didn't matter. Only the Ghouls and Zugal were able to escape it. The enemy Elven forces were arrogant and tried to use their magic to block it, but that ended poorly.

"Stop there!" One shouted as I was surrounded in every sense of the word. "We know who you are, and we have orders to capture you, but we have no such orders for the Dwarves or Druids."

That caught me off guard. "Abandoned you?" I repeated. "I didn't turn you into this. Look to your Queen if you want to know who turned you into a monster."

"And who is the one that allowed her to do so?!" He demanded and shook even more as he pulled himself closer. "We needed you and you weren-" The Ghoul suddenly twisted violently before he went limp.

I dropped him to the sand and stared at him. It wasn't me who killed him. My eyes glanced around the area and noticed something. Those who weren't cloaked were staring at me with such loathing and unfiltered hatred. Others even seemed to be pleading for help. Naturally, I stopped caring as they initiated the battle once more.

A few Zugal dropped down from above me to kill me with their weapons at the ready as they pierced my body. They froze in place once more with their blades piercing me. I studied them to see if I could see that same hate as that Ghoul, and sure enough, it was still there. Then again, the Demons had fooled me a few times before. Thus, this wasn't the time for me to waste an opportunity to get rid of the Wraith's forces while it was away.

With them stuck around me, I drew Defiance from my back. There wasn't a choice for me to make at this time. The Dwarves were vital for my plans moving forward. Lestrania was in its beginning phases to where I needed it to be and find out who the people I could trust were. Ventari's people were already a guarantee for me as long as I could free them. Their smithing and runes were going to be the driving force I needed.

No one else would be as easy to guarantee their help. Plus, the Druids might even help in the future if I can save them as well. A surprising addition, but not one I would complain about. So, with a small sigh, I quickly killed the Zugal floating in the air. Defiance cut through them, and my Gravity Pillars held them in place. They still twitched, unaware that they were already dead. That is until I removed the pillars entirely, and they hit the ground only to split apart.

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