Chapter 358: Chapter 358

Thana's Point of View

Unknown Location

Moments Earlier

"I told him to wait a few days. Why did he break the barrier? I doubt all of Arthur's magic has been absorbed." I stated as I watched through my ward.

"Maybe it felt confident enough to defeat him already." Tor offered.

"Perhaps your creation wants to steal his magic more closely." Flare suggested.

"Arthur Pendragon is that formid-"

Standing up again in anger at the mention of that name, I shouted. "It's not just Arthur Pendragon anymore! It's fucking-"

Arthur's Point of View

Capital of Vithari - Dwardew

"I'll address you in a moment." He said before grabbing my head with his free hand. "But I do need to make sure you stay down for a bit, so..." Trailing off as he ripped through the remaining skin on one side of my stomach, I felt myself almost get torn in half as I now was held up by my head. "This sword seems important to you as well."

The man was brutal and meticulous in disarming me. I couldn't summon my energy with how bad my wounds were, and I could feel traces of his magic inside me. Festering in the wounds and preventing me from healing as quickly. Prying Defiance from my grasp was simple as he dislocated the entirety of my arm. Shoulder, elbow, and wrist were all popped out as well as broken in several parts as he twisted it until I lost my grip.

In utter disregard, he acted as though he merely tossed it away as it soared through the cavern. I heard it crashing through rock and other things before he merely chuckled in amusement. His eyes were hidden behind a magic cloak similar to the one I wore thousands of years ago.

"I do hope you'll be more entertaining than this." Dropping me, I fell, unable to stop myself with the magic in my system.

My body, unable to support itself from the damage I had received, meant I needed to focus on clearing out his magic immediately. That would take some time. The Wraith and the cloaked man stood off against one another in the air. A Demon Lord and an unidentified High Elf were about to fight. Even though my energy was already working on cleansing my body, it wouldn't be something that would leave Dwardew unscathed.

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