Chapter 348: Chapter 348

Arthur's Point of View

Capital of Vithari - Dwardew

"Isn't it?" I asked back. "So, what'd you need? Aside from a more fashionable sling?"

Her broken arm was in a sling with a custom brace, and she looked like an absolute wreck of a human being. "There is going to be a meeting held soon about what to do. Both the Queen, Prince, General, the Dwarven Advisor, and the Druid leader are going to be there."

"Fun! Let me know how it goes!" I gave her a dismissive wave.

It wasn't surprising that she stood there, giving me an unimpressed look. "We are also attending, Arthur."

"When you say we, I'm assuming you mean you and Kheri. I have more important things to do, Elincia."

"Such as?"

Standing, I put Defiance on my back and ruffled Ty's hair. "Very good. That's the correct way of thinking."

Elincia looked put off. "If I had said that, you would have just countered it like everything else."

I nodded. "You're not wrong, but neither is he. Difference is, I want to reward him for thinking about the situation from different perspectives." Then I shrugged as I walked up to her. "Besides, you and your sister refused to help. I don't think Ventari thinks of you as the Lestranian representative in this case. Then again, I told her I was here for my own interests. So, you know," I bobbed my head back and forth. "Who knows what she thinks about Lestrania at this point."

"Your disregard for others is always so interesting to hear out loud." Kheri commented as she came down the hall. "The crew is recovering. Several are injured, but none fatally so. Everyone should make a full recovery. Captain Allen Harlow wants to speak with you when you have a moment." She informed me. "Never thought a lower ranking officer would ask me to relay a message..."

I ignored her last comment. "Thank you for letting me know. I'll speak with him once the meeting ends. It's also good to know everyone made it." I told her.

"That man has been rather distant and unresponsive towards my orders." Elincia commented.

Kheri looked at me, and I shrugged. "Do you want him to be punished?" The Zugal General inquired.

The Priestess shook her head. "No. He was commissioned by Sir Arthur. There would be no point."

Both women discussed how to deal with his attitude for a moment before I cut in. "Remind me to take Harlow and his men under my command once we return to Lestrania. Might even have him retire and offer him a position in my private forces." I told the two as I gestured to Typhon to follow me before walking past them.

"You have a private force?" Kheri asked skeptically.

"With how you two are acting, I'm going to need to make one." Was my unimpressed response.

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