Chapter 343: Chapter 343

Thana's Point of View

Unknown Location

"Did the trap work?" Tor inquired as I watched through one of my wards.

"It's too early to tell. His magic might be similar to mine. If so, it would take time to notice a considerable difference. Time will tell." I answered. "For now, I've called my experiment off to watch for a time. We'll have our answer sooner or later." Once I cut myself off from the situation in the east, I looked to Tor. "What news do you have for me?"

"The prisoner is getting restless. Our guards say she has been moving more and more." My eyes narrowed at that. "Drevas is also back in confinement. He turned hostile after today's tests and killed a few Ghouls."

I waved a dismissive hand. "Drevas is a work in progress. If losing a few Ghouls is the result of him releasing some pent-up hostility, it's more than a fair trade." Then I leaned to the side of my throne. "The prisoner, though..." My eyes darted back and forth in thought. "When was the last time she did something like this?"

Tor frowned. "Two thousand years ago when you were in Klasteris." My fingers tapped the stone arm on my throne as I retraced the events. "It's not as extreme as back then, but I'm cautious."

"As you should be. Should she become any rowdier, inform me immediately." He bowed and turned to leave. "And Tor," I called out. "Inform the other Lords to be on high alert. Also, I want you to watch the gate between The Crimson Wasteland and Crevalis. Just in case."

"You will not go alone. Lady Lucia will accompany you as well as Kine. Any news that needs to be delivered can be done through him." She then turned to the Zugal. "I know it is not ideal, but Greigh has been assigned to other work, and you are the fastest flyer we have. Should something happen, it will fall to you to bring us news."

Kine bowed as well. "If that's what you need, Priestess."

Arceana frowned slightly. "I know it may not seem like the best assignment, but just like Alwin, I need you." She then turned to me and Ayda. "You two will remain here to aid Captain Greigh with Sir Arthur's project. However, do not be afraid of being uninformed. Both of you will be kept up to date with the situation."

Ayda seemed to calm down with that, until Floyd shouted at the top of his lungs right next to her and scared her. "Do I get an assignment!?" It wasn't angry or upset, just loud. "Let it be known, I am a great dancer." He then began to shake his hips back and forth before I shook my head in disbelief.

"Floyd, I need you to stay here with me. Your training will continue."

"Very well." Floyd said more calmly as he eyed the Priestess. "This is acceptable."

I rolled my eyes as I thought about Arthur and what he may be doing right now.

Arthur's Point of View

Capital of Vithari - Dwardew

"Why are we being swarmed by a bunch of angry children?" I asked Elincia as we were surrounded by Dwarves.

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