Chapter 340: Chapter 340

Prince Vitar's Point of View

Capital of Vithari - Dwardew

Unknown Time

"My Prince," General Dwar called out, exhausted but without a scratch. "The Druids are growing tired."

Another wave had pushed through the gate. "We hold as long as we can, General." My men were on the verge of collapse, and morale was almost nonexistent. "Something will give if we continue to survive. I believe that with all my might." There were no cheers or nods of acknowledgment, only tired stares.

"Of course." Dwar was the only one who replied.

"Send word to the women and every strong lad able to hold a weapon..." I ordered Tart, who was off to the side. "Have them steel themselves." Many of my men hung their heads at that, but we had no choice.

"Are you sure that is wise, your highness?"

I looked at him. "Do it." My breathy tone got a nod from him as sweat poured down my cheeks. "Dwar..." He moved closer to me at my whisper. "How much longer will the Druids hold?"

Slowly, we moved into the mist as the ship gained speed. The sounds of battle grew louder and louder before it eventually went completely silent. Ventari was pacing across the deck back and forth near the railing. Watching, waiting for any glimpse of her home. After the incident on the coast, I don't blame her.

Moving to Arthur, Kheri followed me. "What do you think?" He asked.

Raising my hand as I felt the mist across my body, I answered. "It is magical in nature. Obviously, there would be no mist in the desert like this. Although I do not know its purpose."

"Mmh." Arthur hummed in thought.

"Do you think this is the trap?" I inquired.

Without looking at me, he scoffed. "Do you think it's not?" Arthur kept looking around suspiciously. "There is only one person I know that uses mist like this."

We traveled quietly for a time. That is until the ship jerked suddenly. Arthur turned his head instantly as we started to descend.

"What're you doing?" He asked loudly as the crew began scrambling.

"It wasn't me! The ship is losing power!" Allen shouted back. "Our magic is disappearing."

Arthur whipped to me. "Elincia, Alwin was able to keep the last airship afloat with his magic for a time. I need you to do the same."

Nodding, I went to activate my magic only to find it was gone. My eyes blinked slowly as I focused more intently on something that should've been easy. The magic would gather in my hand for a moment before evaporating entirely.

"I can't." I told him with wide eyes.

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