Chapter 326: Chapter 326

?????'s Point of View

Unknown Location

A moan might've escaped my lips when it was finally done. "My Queen?" Tor's voice called out.

Holding out my arms as it floated there, the elation I felt at such a creation I had made was at an all time high. "Do you see this Tor? Even without Elias, we can create stronger, more unique, demons." Tracing my fingers down it, my second approached my side. "This will be the perfect trap."

"Forgive me for saying this, my Queen, but this experiment doesn't seem much stronger than the rest."

"Oh, Tor. If only you knew." I said as I inspected its at ease form while I walked around it. "Much like The Veil in the west of Lestrania, this experiment will be able to do the same. Except, in this case, there are consequences for going through the mist. Think of it as a prison. You can enter and leave whenever you want if you're willing to trade away all your power."

It was late at night. Magic allowed the crew to create a bonfire on the deck. Not exactly safe or practical, but I didn't care. At the bow of the airship, I looked for any sign of land. We'd been flying for a few days, and I expected our trip to be cut short. Perhaps the battle with the Leviathan was not as far to our destination as I thought.

"A bronze dawn is still a ways off." Elincia said as she slid next to me.

The sunrises as we got closer to Ventari had progressively become darker in colors, giving them a bronze appearance. The sand and dust from the desert filled the air and created an interesting morning spectacle. With the shimmer, it made it shine like bronze across the horizon. It was surprisingly beautiful and an unexpected pleasure of mine for this trip. After all, they only started a day or two ago, and Allen told me we were probably only a few days out from land.

"That's not why I'm out here." I responded without looking at her. "I suspect that's not why you're out here either."

"Do you really believe this is the right course of action?" She inquired, and I turned to her with a quirked brow. "What if something were to happen in our absence?"

Giving her a look of understanding, I nodded. "Ah. Well, I might've arranged something before I left. Just to make sure everything was okay."

She snorted at that amusedly. "Of course, you did. Why else would you come out here?"

"I have my reasons." At her look, I sighed. "I'm looking for answers, Elincia. Answers to questions I don't even know I should be asking. It's maddening at times."

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