Chapter 323: Chapter 323

Arthur's Point of View

Above the Middle Ocean

With a sigh, my eyes glanced off to the side where I saw Elincia join Kheri where I just was. Removing my armor and weapons, Typhon finally looked at me, confused. Even removing my shirt seemed to startle him while I thought I saw Elincia watching a little too closely but ignored her for the moment. Taking a position in front of Typhon, I lifted my hands.

"Here's how this is going to work, Ty. Either you start moving your magic around correctly, tell me what's wrong, or I'm sending you back to Helmsforth." My student looked alarmed at that. "Don't give me that look. You've been struggling with this for days now. I thought maybe you needed some time to adjust, but I was obviously wrong. Now, we do it the hard way." I don't think he was expecting the sudden fist coming towards his face as he barely rolled back to avoid it. "Get up."

"Arthu-" Elincia called out to me.

In response, I kicked Typhon across the deck as he held his stomach in pain. "Up. Now." The young Dragon stood on shaky legs. "This is how you wanted to do it. Impress me."

Dusting off my shirt around my stomach, I smirked. "Apparently, I need to put out more energy when training you so I don't get blown off the side of the ship."

"You are not mad?" Ty inquired.

"Why should I be?" I asked back. "Because you did as instructed? Maybe it's because you defended yourself?"

"You could have been hurt." My student answered.

Chuckling at that, I placed my hands on his shoulders. "It will be a while before you can truly hurt me, Ty, but you gave it your best try." My words made him smirk as I shook him playfully. "I also realized that you are far more interesting than I first realized."

He looked confused at that. "I am?"

I nodded. "You are, and I now know the best way to train you." With almost a wicked smile, many seemed alarmed as I spoke. "On top of your regular training, you will spend several hours fighting against other opponents. If no one here is willing to hurt you, then it will be me and only me." Then I gestured back to Elincia. "Between the blonde wonder over there and I, we can probably fix up most wounds."

"What did you call me?" Elincia demanded.

Ignoring her, I continued. "Although, most physical exercise doesn't seem to bother you. Thus, I need to come up with another idea. One that should make things far more difficult for you."

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