Chapter 309: Chapter 309

Kheri's Point of View

My Office

Greigh and Ziah smiled at him in approval. Something had definitely happened, but it didn't appear to be all bad. Both seemed to trust Arthur a great deal. Perhaps they truly were just worried for him. My eyes scanned his arm that had returned as recent memories of his death lingered.

Tapping my desk with my fingers in a rhythmic pattern, I replied. "I don't know what debt you owe the Farro's, and I don't know what's transpired in the last week or so," I began. "But what I do know is that you have continually shown sincerity towards the people of Lestrania. You may not be a Lestranian," My eyes met his. "But you protect it like it's your own."

Greigh stepped beside Arthur and put a hand on his back. "You know that the General has a history with the Demons. With him at our side, they've become emboldened, but they are also wary." The captain said before gesturing to me. "However, this incident with the Dwarves is likely a trap."

Arthur nodded in agreement. "Most likely."

"First, the Leviathan to drag him out. It failed." Ziah commented.

"While the Island was suspicious, it wasn't something the Demons could've prepared for. They were reacting to Priestess Elincia's double and the General fighting." Greigh said as he moved back to the front of my desk and put his finger on it. "The last Demons that arrived just so happened to mention what's happening in the east?"

"It doesn't add up." I agreed.

A smirk that matched my own came to her lips. "So, the rumors were true." Chuckling, she continued. "I suppose it doesn't matter too much for you. Regardless, be careful. It's not just the Priestesses who have their eyes on you."

She walked out from behind her desk. "The nobles?" I offered.

Nodding, Kheri continued. "Yes, but that's old news. Most won't act against you now. Whatever you did, the Duke and Duchess have made sure that none are to interfere with you."


Another nod. "Yeah, but like I said, old news. Most of the nobles who would, have already been cowed and were just keeping an eye on you to see what scraps they could get." She explained before waving them out of the topic. "No. More out of towners have been appearing in Helmsforth. They look Lestranian-"

"But they're agents for other kingdoms..." I finished for her.

"Many left this representative's summit rather upset. They weren't catered to, and on top of that, the Demon's attack rattled them." Then she slapped my stomach with the back of her hand as she looked up at me. "However, the ambassadors were more concerned with how much power you showed off and the fact that you repelled the very Demons that you were trying to warn them about." Waving a finger at me, she continued. "Mark my word, this is just the begging. Be thankful that the Dragons already seem to know you, or this could've gone a lot worse."

Giving her a grateful nod, I thanked her. "I appreciate you looking out for me."

She shrugged. "It's mostly my job. I don't play favorites." Then her smirk took a hit. "Now, about Ayda Farro..."

My eyes glanced over at Ziah, who was the one who gasped when she heard the news. "I've read all the laws of Lestrania, and I've never seen anything on a twenty-four-seven observation. Although, from Ziah's reaction, I imagine it's not a good thing."

"It's not. Rumor is that Ayda was caught trying to kill herself." Kheri told me grimly.

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