Chapter 307: Chapter 307

Greigh's Point of View

Helmsforth Officer Barracks

"Someone needs to go, General." I told Kheri.

The Zugal General sighed. "What do you want me to do, Greigh?" She inquired as Ziah paced in the room. "Fly off with Arthur and the Priestess?"

Ziah slammed her hands on Kheri's desk as we spoke in private in the General's office. "It can't be Alwin! You're the only other choice!"

Grabbing Ziah's shoulders, I pulled her back before turning to Kheri. "None of us can stop Arthur. However, he does respect proper leadership. I would go myself, but he has decided to leave me here to deal with more personal affairs."

"And what affairs are those?" She questioned as she leaned back in her seat. "Why is it that his affairs are more important than mine?"

"You know why, and you also know I can't tell you. He is still technically your commanding officer." Was my simple response.

Kheri nodded. "Ayda is uncharacteristically strong for someone her age. As such, that also comes with consequences."

To our surprise, the door opened at that moment, and in walked Arthur. "Pardon the intrusion, but I was told Greigh was here." He then came in, closed the door, placed his energy over it, and turned back to us. "I would've knocked if it wasn't for the topic you were all discussing." He then crossed his arms. "Now, I am sorry for coming in so suddenly, but what does Ayda being under observation matter?" He inquired.

"Arthur," Kheri began, annoyed. "You can't just come in here despite what you heard!"

Holding up his hands, Arthur quickly gestured outside the door to explain. "I got here and only heard the tidbits about Ayda, but you had another group hanging around your door when I arrived." He informed us and crossed his arms. "That's why I heard what I did. I'm not one for eavesdropping on allies and coworkers. Others have done the same to me, and I wasn't too happy." The Human General then shrugged. "Just be aware that your room isn't soundproof, and there appear to be a few nosey people working here."

Kheri stared at him as her wings twitched. "I see. Then thank you for bringing that to my attention." Then she pointed at the door. "However, I still request you knock when entering my office."

Arthur gave a firm nod in agreement. "That is more than fair. I apologize for entering as I did but thought it would be better to inform you of what was happening outside your door."

Shaking her head as she leaned forward, her elbows rested on her desk while her hands created a shield of sorts over her eyes. "They're likely the Priestesses agents." Kheri responded to him without looking. "Not many can sneak up on them, and the Priestesses like keeping tabs on their military officers."

"But you've had problems with them before." I stated and then gestured to the door. "If they've grown this bold, that means the Priestesses are desperate for information."

Kheri's hands fell, and she eyed Arthur. "I wonder why?" Her sarcastic question was rhetorical.

Arthur shrugged in response. "I don't know why you're looking at me. I'm not the one blatantly spying on you. Most people who betray me usually do it when I'm at my weakest. Seems to me that Arceana and Elincia don't give a shit about your privacy." Then he chuckled. "Have you been more uppity as of late, or are you more of a troublemaker than I took you for?"

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