Chapter 303: Chapter 303

Typhon's Point of View

Northern Forests

My eyes fluttered open at the sound of firewood crackling. "Ugh." I groaned out.

"You gonna be okay over there?" Arthur's voice rang out.

"What happened?" Sitting up as I asked my question, I saw Arthur sitting on the other side of a campfire of sorts.

He reached inside the fire and shifted one of the logs with his bare hands. "Technically, you were able to survive for a little over a week on your own." My teacher answered. "Those Snow Yetis were far craftier than I expected. They almost got you."

Holding my head as I turned to the fire, the event returned to me. "I set them ablaze." Arthur nodded. "But why did I fall unconscious?"

With his elbows on his knees as he sat on a large rock, he glanced at me. "Two reasons. One, you were on the run and had very little energy. Well, compared to usual anyway. You've been doing well conserving your energy, but that little run through the trees probably used most of it up." Arthur then chuckled emotionlessly. "You're not a hunter and have been scrounging for food. In other words, you were exhausted before fleeing."

"And you couldn't scare them off?"

"I did." He then glanced down, and I followed his gaze to a small spot of crimson. "Most of them anyway."

Why did it always seem to be like this? "Is this all a part of manipulating me like you said?"

Arthur merely nodded. "It is. Had you been stronger, had you been able to defend yourself or flee successfully, no one would've died." He then shrugged. "That single fact will gnaw at the back of your mind."

"You killed him on purpose then?"

"I let them decide. The three that fled were let go. One tried to take you with him. I don't like people touching my things, and you're 'my' student." He emphasized before looking me in the eye. "You were warned that I would do this. I told you how it would be, and you accepted regardless."

"But to put the result of your actions on my shoulders is unfair."

My teacher seemed to agree as he gave me another nod. "It is. What are you going to do about it though?" Was his cold reply.

That was needlessly cruel. "Why're you doing this to me?"

To my surprise, Arthur became quiet for a little bit as his gaze softened and turned to the flames. "Because it happened to me as well." He said softly. "When I was a boy, someone did the same thing to me. I know I shouldn't do it to you, and I don't want to. Yet, the truth is, we need allies for this war. Specifically, someone I can trust and count on to stay by my side. That someone will eventually be you. Even if it ends with you hating me."

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