Chapter 298: Chapter 298

Lucia's Point of View

Arthur's Kitchen

"I know you feel like you don't need my help." I told him as we sat there. "But I want you to know I'm here if you need someone." A little shrug escaped my shoulders. "To talk, or listen, even help if it's within my power. You've done so much for me already."

I felt his arm move around my back and wrap around my shoulders. "You're a good kid, Lucia. Better than I deserved." His wording made my eyes widen, but I didn't say anything back. "Even with everything that's happened to you, you're still worried about me. Makes me feel a little bad."

That stumped me. "What do you mean?" I asked without looking at him.

His body deflated. "Most of us know that you and Alwin are in a relationship of sorts." My eyes shot up at him, and he had a small smile. "It wasn't hard to figure out. Even Aydalia and Aien seemed rather fond of you. I assumed that's because you've spent quite some time with them." Arthur's smile quickly disappeared. "Going from that train of thought, you kind of lost a future member of your family." He stated. "I'm sorry I couldn't save them, Lucia."

Arthur's gaze softened even more when I felt my face contort as a sob escaped my lips. "It wasn't your responsibility."

"Mmh." He hummed back. "Maybe not. Maybe this was meant to happen." Arthur shook me a little. "Then again, I've never been one to accept fate. Destiny, and every version of it, can suck my fucking dick for all I care." He then went quiet. "I really should watch my language in front of you." The Lestranian Knight sighed as his head once again rested against the wall. "I'm going to get stronger, Lucia. When I do, you won't need to worry about this happening again."

It was almost pitiful to hear. "You can't be everywhere, Arthur. Things happen that will be out of your control."

Ventari studied him. "What do you want?"

"Access to all your libraries and all tomes you might have dealing with history."

"Done. What else?"

"You enter into an alliance with me, not Lestrania. Your nations are already aligned, but I need people I can trust. If I save your people, when I come calling for your aid, I expect you to answer."

The Queen was a little more wary at that. "You do not count our ties with Lestrania?"

Arthur merely shrugged. "I'm not Lestrania," His eyes glanced up at the two Priestesses. "And my patience for this place runs thin along with those who rule here."

"Arthur!" Arceana chastised.

Taking a knee, he put a hand on his chest. "If you promise me your personal backing, then you have my help."

Ventari looked at the two Priestesses warily. "Why does your patience run thin?"

"Arthur!" Arceana warned again.

Not like it did much to deter Arthur.

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