Chapter 274: Chapter 274

Arthur's Point of View

Inside the Void

Before Credo's Party Arrived

He was confused at that. "What do you mean?"

Backhanding his cheek with his friend suddenly, he fell onto his back. "I mean that I can leave this place. Sure, you've gotten stronger, but you still look middle age at best. You compare to your companion here." I wiggled the dead Demon in my grasp before him. "Not quite Benjamin enough to make a difference."

There were no words for how much I was going to enjoy this. How much I needed it. This could be exactly what I need to move forward.

"So, here's what's going to happen." Gesturing to the downed middle-aged Demon, I smirked. "I'm going to leave you here. You have no choice in the matter, and I could easily kill you or cripple you to leave." I shrugged. "Either way doesn't matter too much to me. What does matter to me is that you will be trapped here."

"You think you can keep me here?" He taunted. "This place can't hold me."

"You're certainly welcome to try and leave, but I have serious doubts you can do it, which leaves us with your own options." I taunted in return. "You can continually kill yourself, which amuses me to no end and try to escape that way. Doubtful, but who knows. You might just get lucky."


"Or you can stay here and be just like that wandering flower. Always waiting for my return. If I return." Before he could reply, Defiance reached out and cut off his arms as he started screaming. "I didn't think that would work, but I'm glad it did." Gesturing to his wound, I explained. "I left some of my energy on the wounds to fester and prevent you from healing. Think of it as a type of curse. Problem is, it won't last long."

"Ah!!!" He cried out in pain.

Slowly, she prodded the arm. "It truly seems like it was never gone." Placing an ear against it, the Druid hummed. "Whatever curse was placed on you also appears to have been removed." Camoa then kissed my shoulder and a small light emitted from her lips as a few light particles floated in the air. "That should help with your recovery if it is still needed."

"Thank you." I said as she backed away, and I turned to face her directly. "Since you have verified my curse is no longer active, could you assist me now?"

"I can." Giving a small bow, Camoa spread her arms gracefully as vines came from the ground and into her hands before wrapping up her arms. "Who is it you search for in the forest?" The vines began to pulse. "If they are alive, they will resonate within the forest. So, who is it?"

"She's a creature of the Old World."

The Druid seemed to pause at that before her eyes slightly widened. "I'm sorry. What did you say?" Turning to look at me in the eyes, she continued. "Because it sounded like you said a creature of the Old World."

I nodded. "She is."

Nodding incredibly slowly, Camoa let out, "Uh huh..." In disbelief. "And you said 'she' is an old friend?"

"She is. Her name is Kandma. Looks like a giant bear made from things found in the forest."

"How long has it been since you last saw her?" The Druid asked slowly.

"A few thousand years. She was about the size of my mansion when I last saw her." I explained while crossing my arms.

Studying me as if she thought I was lying, she spoke. "If she truly is a creature of the Old World, her size would be massive by now. It's very likely she's moved into the deeper parts of the forest where I dare not tread."

"If that's the case, it's fine. I'll go myself."

"I see. Well, I suppose I can try to find a creature of the Old World, but I make no guarantees that it will be the one you're looking for."

"You direct me to them, and I'll handle the rest."

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