Chapter 256: Chapter 256

Arthur's Point of View

Reed Family Farmstead

My eyes fluttered open at the sounds of birds chirping. Glancing toward the window, I saw that it was a beautiful sunny day. A part of me was glad since I felt much better than I had the last few days. Slept had been evading me recently due to my low energy. However, even with the nightmares last night, it was easy to tell most of my energy was finally back.

It may be a few more days before I'm back to full strength, but I was doing far better than I had been. A clear mind made sitting up in bed somewhat delightful despite my still missing arm. Yesterday was hazy at best, so I was hoping today would be much better. Maybe even get the chance to get more hands-on with Typhon's training.

Heading downstairs after getting cleaned up, I stepped into the kitchen to see Grandpa Reed waiting for me. He was already sitting down at the table and had some food served on a plate. It was nice. The Reed's really did treat me well, and I could only smirk as I sat down.

However, I did think it was a little strange I was the only one eating. "Thanks. I take it Cassidy and Austin are already working on their chores?"

Augustus rubbed his hands on top of his cane slowly. "They went into town."

"They had business in The Slums?"

"Not exactly." He then gestured to my food. "Why don't ya eat up, and then we can talk."

I quirked a brow at that but said nothing else.

Aydalia's Point of View

"I can-" Crouching so fast that we were face to face, my eyes widened as I tried to stop myself from shaking.

"If you ever use magic on me again, I'll cut off your hands and give one to each of your kids." He stood once more. "Make sure you let the Priestesses know you won't be able to continue with visiting me. I doubt I need to explain the consequences for you if you reveal anything to them. Have a good day, Lady Farro." Were the last words he said before he disappeared through the portal.

My husband carefully moved to my side before placing his hand on my back. "Are you okay?"

Covering my eyes as a few tears ran down my cheeks at the position I had put us in, I shook my head. "No. I made a horrible mistake. He didn't deserve what I did."

Aien removed my hands and smiled at me. "Then it sounds like we need to make it up to him." Then he wiggled our hands around. "We'll have to be careful though. I like my hands."

That made me giggle weakly. "Starting right now, we need to get everyone on Arthur's side." I looked at my husband. "Can you speak to Drewes and Luthi? Let them know that it is important that everyone either supports Arthur or stays out of his way."

He frowned at that. "Most of the Nobles don't even work together. Why would they suddenly come together now?"

"Because we've never had a reason to. Arthur has had difficulties with the Upper Rungs, but more importantly, the Nobles. If we can get them to support him, his projects, and whatever else he needs, perhaps it will make up for what I did." I explained.

"And you still won't tell me what you saw? Drewes will be amused at best if I don't give him anything."

"You tell him that I invaded Arthur's mind."

Aien frowned at that. "Openly admitting to treason might not be the best-"

Grabbing his hands firmly, I looked my husband in the eye. "Tell him I invaded Arthur's mind and that I said we need to support Arthur. Even more so than the Priestesses." My gaze drifted down. "I made a mistake, but perhaps we can fix it if we help. This has to work."

My husband gave me a soft kiss on my forehead. "Then I will request to speak to them immediately." Caressing my hands, he smiled. "You need to get some rest." Was all he said before I was quickly put under a spell.

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