Chapter 240: Chapter 240

Lucia's Point of View

Helmsforth Temple

As I rubbed my eyes, there was a knock on my door. "Enter."

Greigh peeked in quickly. "The Vithari Queen is here to see you, Lady Lucia."

"Please show her in." Adjusting myself more properly, the Captain entered with the Queen. "It is good to see you are well, Queen Ventari. Many of us were worried about you." I said as I stood and gave a small bow as a formal gesture.

She returned the bow, just as slightly, and replied. "Thanks to the care of you and all of Lestrania. Although, if the rumors are correct, there is another I need to thank as well."

"I am sure there will be time for you two to meet soon." The Queen had been quite insistent on meeting Arthur. "Given that he is still injured, you must understand he needs time to recover." Especially after she heard he was the one who defeated the Leviathan.

"Understandable. It must've been quite the battle for him to be so grievously injured. One that had to be comparable to the Leviathan that destroyed my airships." She pointed out.

"I could not say. While I was there for the initial appearance of the Leviathan, I only have reports to go on about the latest situation."

Greigh groaned as I glared at the floor in thought. "Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I will be going to disturb him immediately." Turning to the Zugal Captain, I spoke. "Accompany me." Then my attention shifted back to the Dwarven Queen. "I must apologize-"

Interrupting me, she quickly fell in beside me. "There is no need. I will also accompany you.

"Seeing as how our Knight is injured-"

Again, she interrupted me. "I'm afraid I'm going to have to insist. You told me you couldn't answer my questions. Maybe your Knight will."

Greigh moved to say something, but I held up my hand. "Very well, but you should be warned, Sir Arthur is not quite what most people imagine."

"He's eccentric?" Ventari offered.

Starting to walk as I rolled my head off to the side slowly, I gave a small nod. "That... That is a word. A very specific word. One that seems to fall short in how I would describe him."

Gesturing to Greigh to help me, he sighed. "The General is very blunt and disrespectful at the best of times. If he insults you, please know that he does it to everyone."

I pursed my lips at that and turned away from Ventari's curious gaze. "Well, he sounds a bit like most dwarves."

Greigh scoffed. "I've dealt with a few dwarves, your grace, but even they couldn't prepare me for working under Sir Arthur."

We walked the halls as the guard guided us to Arthur's location. "Oh. You directly work for him?"

The small talk continued until we started to hear some shouting that made me groan when Arthur's voice cut in. "Kick! Kick like your life depends on it! Kick like you're kicking a puppy or a baby!"

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