Chapter 212: Chapter 212

?????'s Point of View

Unknown Location

"TOR!!!" I bellowed from my throne room. Many of my Generals jumped as I appeared via teleportation and looked at them. "WHERE IS TOR!?"

My roar made some of them flinch, but they all quickly kneeled. "My Queen, he is currently moving supplies to Vithari."

"NOW!?" Flare flinched and nodded. "Flare," I began in a low tone. "Take Sulva and figure out who is fighting Arthur Pendragon! If the Anomaly is fighting another Demon Lord, it might be the two brothers! Kill them all if you can, but this very well may be a trap." Summoning my spear, I shoved it in his hands.

"At once!" Flare responded loudly before smoke filled the room and his flames burned bright.

They quickly faded as he launched himself from the throne room through one of the broken walls. His smoke followed him, and I fell back into my throne. My thumbnail came up to my teeth as bit it in worry. Was the Anomaly known as Arthur Pendragon making his first move? When he was Mordred, he was just as showy, but to feel their magic powers from here...

My eyes homed in on my other Generals. "Inform me the moment Tor returns. Hopefully, we can still make something of this situation."

"The fact you think so gives me hope that you might be able to answer my questions." Arthur stated and crouched slightly as the sand finally surrounded us completely. "And you will be answering my questions."

To my surprise, my double paused at that despite the magical power that was radiating from her. "What questions do you want answers to?" She asked back carefully with her guard up as the swords moved back inside the sandstorm. "Do be careful what you say though. Elincia has been fading in and out of consciousness."

Our Knight looked down at me and I felt my body start sinking. Shifting my gaze, I saw Arthur's portal was engulfing me, which enraged my doppelganger. She charged at me, but Arthur stood over me as another portal appeared above him. From it fell his sword which he quickly took in hand before he and my lookalike were sent hurling through a different portal.

"Where is-" Arthur's voice cut out as the portal closed with my twin forcing them both in.

The sandstorm immediately stopped and fell back into the beach along with all the swords. Arthur's portal sent me to the tree line where my sister was along with several guards. Given my condition, I was surprised he was able to move me so carefully, and after he disappeared. My thoughts weren't able to linger as Typhon and Arceana quickly appeared above me.

"Elincia!" Arceana cried out fearfully at my condition.


The sensation of passing out was upon me. However, right before I did, the sounds of explosions rang off in the distance. The darkness closed in on me with a giant blue pillar of magic shot up from the other side of the island. It lit up the entire beach as many looked over in shock and surprise.

"We'll help you! Just-" My sister began, but I held up my hand and grabbed hers.

"Do not interfere with Arthur." I could say nothing else as a coughing fit came over me and I passed out while hearing the concerned shouts of others.

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