Chapter 201: Chapter 201

Arthur's Point of View

The Battlements

"What did you need, Sir?" Greigh inquired as we stood atop the new defensive perimeter surrounding Helmsforth. "I can't imagine you called us here for a simple chat."

Cassidy and Ziah were with us, as well as I stood with my arms crossed. "How much do you three know about Drewes Leiflan and Luthi Leiflan?"

My two Zugal Officers looked at one another for a moment. "Aside from being the highest-ranking Nobles in Lestrania, not much." Ziah informed me.

Slowly, my eyes drifted to the redhead. "Ayda's talked about em before, but Ah don't know em personally. Met em here an there at more poshed gatherins."

"I met them the other day. Both made some claims, and given my past run-ins with nobility and Elves, I figured I see if there was any merit to what they said." Turning my attention back to Greigh, I spoke. "Did you have an unknown benefactor that would aid you randomly?

"Mmh." Greigh mumbled in thought as he put his hands on his hips. "There were times where certain requests were pushed through randomly after being denied." Then he shrugged. "More often than not, I would receive a summons from the Priestesses to discuss certain requests or explain my reasoning."

"Which isn't as easy as it sounds." Ziah pointed out.

Cassidy seemed surprised at that. "Ah didn't know ya two were strugglin. What did ya want done that was denied?" She inquired.

I scoffed and gestured behind her to one of the towers. "Moving the barracks to the outskirts in several different locations for one." Then I waved my hand towards Greigh. "From my understanding, he tried doing so before that Manticore showed up on your property. It was just added incentive if anything."

Greigh nodded. "You're not wrong. So, the Duke and Duchess have been supporting The Slums from on high?"

Pointing off to the Hollow Forest, I explained. "Ty toppled a tree with his bare hands in one blow. Not sure if he got lucky, is quick to catch on, or just plain talented, but he did it in only a few hours." Then I brought my hands up to my head and made an explosion gesture. "Mind blown."

"How does a boy that young knock over a tree with his bare hands in one blow?" Ziah inquired.

"By apparently taking to my teachings like a fish takes to water." With a smirk, I held up a finger. "I taught him one time while I was on The Drunken Cloud while teaching Lucia, and he literally used it on a Skeld. Ty literally sent a Demon flying across the deck with one punch."

"And he used that same technique to break the trunk in two?" Greigh pressed further.

"Yup. Wasn't sure if he could do it fully, but he sure showed me. Blew my expectations away and even demanded a reward." Then I shook a hand. "Not sure how I feel about that last part, but I am a man of my word."

Cassidy gave an approving nod at that. "Well, I suppose it is good he gets his rest." Greigh stated. "Surely an Elf was quick to heal him."

Looking away from him, I shrugged. "Arthur..." Cassidy began in a warning tone.

I didn't look at her. "Yes?"

"Ya better tell me ya got him healed up right proper." The fiery haired woman threatened.

"I mean... Eventually."

Now, I saw it coming, but I felt it necessary to let it happen. Cassidy didn't hesitate before slamming a fist right into my nose. Obviously, I didn't want her to break her hand, so I made sure my energy level was low. Taking a punch in the face from Cass was supposed to be simple, but I underestimated her strength given my record in our previous scuffles. However, I realized I'd never actually been hit by her for real.

"Sir!" Ziah cried out in alarm as my body launched a few feet off the battlements and down into the streets below.

At least someone cared about my wellbeing from falling several dozen feet onto the cold hard ground. "Are you okay?" A new voice chimed in, and I tilted my head upwards to see Ayda and Ty looking down at me, concerned.

"Just peachy."

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