Chapter 198: Chapter 198

Arthur's Point of View

Pendragon Estate

Its amazing that barely even a week ago, Arceana and Elincia both tried to have me killed. Elincia's attempt was more personal and understanding in nature, but it still was on my mind. Even though I understood why she did it, part of me was actually somewhat hurt from their actions. I know they're not the same girls they used to be when I trained them, but there were times I missed it.

I realized that as I sat down next to the bed where Typhon laid unconscious. "Here we are again..."

There was a knock from my front door that got me to groan. Standing, I made my way to the entryway before answering the door. The magic signatures on the other side were all green so I assumed it was Elves. It's always Elves... Until it isn't.

"This is a surprise." I said simply. "I wasn't expecting you today, Aydalia."

She smiled. "A good surprise, I hope?" Her tone was nervous as she watched my eyes dart around the group.

Aien, her husband, was with her. He wasn't an issue since I already knew who he was, and I assumed he was here to apologize for his prior behavior or something along those lines. So, instead, my focus was on the other two Elves who were present. I'd never met them before, but I immediately knew they were nobility.

One was a male with white hair, but it didn't appear to be from age. He looked somewhat young, had several jewels adorning his body, and was wearing a nobleman's white robes. His eyes were a rather vibrant deep blue.

The male gave a small bow. "I am Drewes Leiflan. This is my wife, Luthi Leiflan."

I studied them for another moment as they stood and smiled at me. Both were rather attractive. More so than most other Elves. Elves were known for being fair, but these two made most others seem like half breeds. Their frails features made the two almost seem like they were made of porcelain. The new husband and wife combo were also rather powerful compared to other Elves if their magic was anything to go by. Well, they had a lot of magic that was comparable to Ayda. Whether they were as strong was another matter altogether.

Returning their small bow with one of my own, I replied. "Arthur Pendragon. May I ask why all four of you are here?"

"We have heard that you are the one making all the changes in the Lowest Rung." Drewes stated.

My eyes darted to Aydalia. "Perhaps."

Aien stepped in-between us and held up his hands. "Before we begin, I would like to apologize to Sir Arthur." Drewes and Luthi both nodded as he turned to me. "I owe you an apology. My fear as a father made me act rashly against you. Your motives were unclear to me, and I acted overly aggressively."

"You slit my throat." I commented, which made both Drewes and Luthi look at Aien in surprise. "Then again, I sort of assisted you with that. So, no hard feelings. As I said before, you have nothing to fear from me."

"Aydalia has told me the same..." He then bowed. "Please, if there is anything I can do to make this right with you, do not hesitate to tell me. I know Aydalia has reached out to you, and you've answered some of her questions... I have none, but I ask that you continue to watch over my family."

"Your wife is sharper than I gave her credit." I said as I eyed her with a sideways glance. "If you're so sure I will not harm you, then she must've told you something. I suggest keeping certain things to yourself." My statement was directed towards Aydalia and Aien as I looked at Drewes and his wife.

The white-haired Elf smirked. "I have been informed of no such matter, and as interesting as it sounds, I am here for other reasons."

My eyes darted back to Mama and Papa Farro before I turned back at the two newcomers. "Then I suppose we should move on." Moving towards the living room, I gestured for the group to follow me. "We should be more comfortable in here."

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