Chapter 168: Chapter 168

Arthur's Point of View

Farro Estate

A male voice spoke up from behind me as the knife began to dig into my throat to the point blood began to drip down my neck. "What kind of Knight are you?"

"One who is bored of this." Without further prompting, I leaned forward and slit my own throat.

"Arthur!" Lucia shouted while she rushed next to me.

Aydalia backed away in horror as the magic blade was lodged in my throat. I even heard the person behind me stumble back in shock. Lucia activated her magic, but I merely grabbed her hands to stop her. She looked up at me in shock. With a calmness that should've been impossible, I pulled the knife from my throat as it dissipated.

The wound closed quickly, and the blood that trickled down my neck evaporated. "Now that we have that out of the way..." I trailed off and turned my gaze back to Aydalia as I rolled my neck. "About my questions."

From behind, I heard the footsteps of the one who summoned the knife come into view. Before me stood an older look Elf. Not the same age as Aydan, but definitely more aged than most I've seen. He wore similar robes to his wife and had a yellow aura with blonde hair. His eyes were blue, which really stood out with how vibrant they appeared.

"That was not me who plunged the blade into your neck." Papa Farro claimed as his magic faded entirely.

"Given that I think I should've died in childbirth, no. Probably not." Each of them looked horrified, but I continued as I put a hand on my chest. "Unfortunately, here I am. A cursed man who has to keep on keepin on thanks to the universe constantly fucking me up the ass." Then I put my hands and waved them around as I took a more sarcastic tone. "So, you know, yay."

"That's a horrible thing to say!" The father of two shit elves replied.

"It's a horrible way to feel, but it's also how I wake up every day. The joke of the universe." Then I stood back up and sighed. "Look, we can continue my pity party later. We all hate me. Yada yada. However, I would greatly appreciate it if you could answer my questions now."

Aydalia just sighed before she walked off while everyone else stood there in discomfort. Everyone, but me. One small pleasure I took was in saying horrible things about myself and everyone else, just cringing while being unable to respond. Maybe more suicidal jokes in the future...

The female Elf returned with a journal of sorts in her hands and stood before me. "This is a family heirloom. Much of what has happened in my family's past is in here, but I cannot tell you much else than what you will find in this book." She sighed. "I was very young when the Priestesses found me. If you have any questions after this, please let me know, and I will do my best to answer them."

"Sweetheart... Are you sure about this?" Aien asked in an unsure tone.

"Given all that has happened, no. However, I do think this will keep his silence about what we tried to do here today and will help protect our children." Aydalia responded, and then she looked up at me.

"No report shall be made about today, but are you the one with the Farro family name?" I inquired in a more curious tone.

She nodded. "I am. My husband took on my last name with the Priestess's insistence."

My eye twitched at that, and she noticed, but I ignored her as I looked at the journal. Aydalia's little tidbit of information essentially confirmed my suspicions. However, I still needed to know more. Anything would be useful at this point.

Holding up the journal, I spoke. "Then I will get started immediately. Thank you. It shouldn't take me very long, so if you would just wait, I will let you know when I've finished."

"There is some writing in there that none of us have been able to decipher, but you'll see it in the very beginning." Aydalia informed me, and upon opening the book, I immediately took notice of it.

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