483 A Demon's Revenge

Kyron finally escaped the violent roars and bloody entrails of battle.

Now reaching a supposedly safe area, Kyron grinned in satisfaction.

His victory was assured. Until—


Space distorted before him, and a being emerged from the blue portal that was generated.

The entity—a blond human boy—was smirking while staring hard at the Shadow Demon Lord.

There was no way Kyron wouldn't recognize the individual before him.

It was—

"It's been a while, Kyron."

—Jared Leonard himself!


'What is he doing here?' or 'How did he notice my escape?'

Perhaps even 'Why is he after me?'

There were many things I could detect from the way Kyron's eyes widened while he halted.

"Y-you..." His deep voice trembled a bit.

I smiled, staring at the Shadow Demon before me.

While I currently didn't have any personal business with him, memories of my past life came rushing in.

This was certainly the bastard.

Shadow Demons looked identical—but that was only to people who hadn't properly interacted with them before.

I wasn't an expert myself, but there were certain things I couldn't forget—like the Demon's lanky and thin shape, as well as the sound of his voice.

This truly was the scumbag Shadow Demon I remembered.

"Quick question before we begin," I spoke, raising a finger.

I didn't have the time to waste on someone like this.

"Do you know anyone by the name of Karlia?"

The Shadow Demon's eyes slightly trembled. That told me the answer I required.

"If I tell you about her... will you let me go?" His voice was husky and calculating.

'Does he plan on using a cheap trick on me? Me?'

"I might consider it. But, first, I need to know... is she alive?"

The night before the day I died, Karlia showed herself to me. The Succubus hadn't aged a day.

There was a possibility that she was still alive. If that were the case, it would be best to steer away from her. Nothing good would come out of engaging in another entanglement.

'Though, now that I think about it...' My thoughts trailed.

"Y-yes, she is. I can tell you all about her. If you can guarantee my safety." Kyron spoke with feigned confidence.

How he was able to lie so easily made me amused. Then again, he had always been a power-hungry fool.

'I suppose it's time we put an end to this little charade. I have somewhere else to be.'

"It's unfortunate, but I can't guarantee your safety. Don't worry. I'll obtain my information from you either way."


Snapping my fingers, I manifested a spacial distortion, and a massive lump of black metal came out of it.

"This is it, Kahn. You can come out now."

"W-what? Kahn?!"

Ignoring the flustered Demon Lord's blubber, I summoned Kahn from my Core, and then...

"Thank you, master!"

... The Shadow Demon's Bond Soul dived into the metal lump I just summoned.


Upon entering the metal, it became a blobby substance and began taking shape. I watched in amusement, wondering the form Kahn would choose.

As for Kyron—


—He attempted to use that window of opportunity to flee.

"That's not a good idea."

As he swiftly moved in his shadow form, a barrier of light spread all across the area, forcing him to stop before getting burned.

"Be patient, Kyron. What's the rush?" I laughed.

We were currently standing on the plains, a bit far away from the current conflict occurring. A bit further and we would reach snowy mountains and a harsh landscape—then the Demon Realm would be the next destination after crossing the border.

"Tch!" The Demon Lord clicked his tongue as he glared at me.

"I am done, Master." A deep voice appeared beside me, and I glanced at the gleaming person who was speaking.

"How is the new body?"

Kahn began moving his fingers, looking at them with interest. I could tell that he felt a bit strange controlling a body after being a Soul for a long time.

The current form Kahn had was similar to how he was in the past.

The materials I used to construct the metal lump were similar to the ones the Wisps got. The only difference was that this one reacted to Miasma, and was made to be more durable.

In terms of quality, it was as good as Gawain's structural build.

Still, my Ultimate Automaton had the win when it came to overall effectiveness.

Kahn must have retrofitted the material to suit his tastes, donning his form when he was still alive.

Still, I wondered if it was uncomfortable.

"It's perfect. This body is perfect, master." He spoke, and then his face turned in the direction of Kyron.

"Looks like you've only grown more pathetic, Kyron," Kahn said, staring hard at his previous subordinate.

"How can you be...?!" Kyron probably couldn't hide his shock any longer.

"You're working with a human? No... that's not right! How did you make Kahn your familiar? This shouldn't even be! This is all wrong!"

It seemed someone was having a hard time keeping a grasp on reality.

"Well, Kahn, as per our agreement, you get to have your revenge on Kyron. I also haven't forgotten about that other thing."

"I am immensely grateful, master."

Both of us simply ignored Kyron's tantrums—a dead man's words meant nothing, anyway.

"I'll be leaving you to your business, then. Ah, one more thing..." I smiled, looking at the cornered enemy that Kahn was going to tear apart.

"Make him suffer as much as possible."


"Understood, master! I will try my best."

Kahn's response satisfied me, so I took my leave.

"Later, then. Have fun."

With that, my body once again ascended into the sky, and I vanished from sight.


"Are you wondering where he is headed in such a hurry?" Kahn spoke to Kyron, who was still bewildered by Jared's exit.


"He's going to the Demon Realm. It's finally time..."

"Why are you serving a human?"

Kyron seemed to forget his situation for a moment and had the gall to ask a question.

"... The end of the Demon Race is right around the corner."

Kahn's eyes held admiration for a moment, and then once his gaze rested on the despicable vermin before him, they returned to a hateful glare.

"Now, then... shall I begin?"

"K-Kahn, wait! Let's discuss this properly."


The Shadow Demon's right hand transformed into a terribly long blade, and several shadows danced around him as he approached with bloodlust.

It was already certain that Kahn was beyond reason.

Only one thing was on his mind at that point in time.


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