Chapter 552 - Heavens!

Leon swallowed hard as his eyes registered what he was seeing before his very eyes. His purple eyes had turned so dark and intense now. But he bit down on his lip hard and quickly closed his eyes.

"Get… get dressed, Zanya." He choked out with much difficulty. "They're all still waiting for us. They might come over to look for us if we delay any longer…"

He trailed off at the tinkling sound of her chuckle and swallowed hard again. Why was it that even her laughter sounded so utterly seductive? Heavens! He was about to go crazy very soon! But this woman still had to push at his limits?!

His facial muscles clenched and unclenched as he spoke again. "Get dressed, Zanya," he repeated, "… please!"

The plea came out almost as a gasp as Leon shut his eyes tighter. He knew that if he opened his eyes again and she was still naked, there was no way in hell he would be able to hold himself back anymore! He would ravage her on the spot!

"Are you sure?" she asked teasingly, and he jolted at the sudden cool touch of her fingertips along his jaw.

Leon easily caught her slender wrist despite his eyes still closed.

"Don't… we need to go now. They're wait –" he spoke through clenched teeth as he tried to hold back. Even that little contact of her satiny skin in his grasp was throwing him off balance.

"But this little Leon right here does not seem to want to go right now." She cut him off as he felt her fingers lightly brush against his bulge and Leon's eyes automatically flew open.

The next thing Zanya knew, she was grabbed at her shoulders and being pinned against the trunk of a nearby tree. Then both her hands were held down by him as he pinned them above her head with one hand. His other hand was a burning brand that was clutching at her waist, with the thumb making circling motions on her flat tummy.

Zanya's seductive smile widened while Leon was gasping now.

"You're so… just so…" his jaw worked as he looked like he did not even know what to say.

"So what, hmm… my hot perv?" she teased, lifting her leg and using her knee to gently nudge and rub against his groin.

A low and hoarse groan escape from Leon's mouth and Zanya smiled triumphantly again. She wanted to know how long this innocent perv of hers could resist her. Moreover, she just loved teasing him.

"So damn naughty… I am doing this for you. If someone comes over and... I don't want that… your reputation…" he still persisted in trying to hold back despite him already groaning with pleasure as she continued putting pressure against his already rock hard length.

"Reputation…?" she echoed then she chuckled mirthfully again. Why is this man so adorable right now? Never in her life had she ever thought that someone would worry about her reputation when he was already in a situation like this. "What if I tell you that I'm fine even if my reputation is being ruined, as long as it is you who ruined it?" she whispered, and Leon's eyes widened again. He was just shocked and utterly speechless at her teasing.

He moved as if to seize her mouth and Zanya rejoiced. But he stopped right before their lips collided. Ugh! How stubborn!

"No. I don't want anyone to see you… in this state." He breathed and Zanya could not help but blush at his possessiveness. "Don't want anyone to see you naked so… ugh, don't stop!"

Zanya raised her elegant brows at him at his plea when she put her leg down and stopped nudging him there. She felt her heart swell after hearing his reason for holding back. Of course, it was not completely true that she did not care about her reputation. After all, she was still one of the last light fae noble and the queen's own right hand person. It was her duty to stay dignified especially in the eyes of all the younger light faes who were looking up to her. She only said those words to tease him and also because she knew that no one else will be coming to search for them anymore.

Looking at the beads of sweat that had already drenched Leon's gorgeous face, Zanya moved her face closer to his. She just loved to tease him more and torture him for being such a stubborn mule. But she had a time limit for this. "Then stop resisting, Leon, and just come at me." She whispered seriously, "don't worry, I have already told Kariza not to wait for us. I knew you'd come for me… so I had actually prepared in advance. You think just a kiss and a hug would be enough to satisfy me after you left me alone for weeks? I miss you… and want you… so badly… and I don't think we'd have another chance to be alone like this again once we reach the Great City. So take me now Leon. Don't waste any more -"

He cursed before slamming his mouth down against hers. They kissed passionately, like two hungry beasts starved to death for each other. His earlier hesitancy and reservation was utterly thrown into the wind and there was only his wild passion meeting hers.

"Zanya…" he moaned out her name as he fumbled in haste to free himself from his trousers.

"Leon…" She reached out and tangled her fingers through his hair all the while kissing him harder, fiercer, like she wanted to devour him. He just tasted so good… so crazy good.

Once their lips parted from their wet and intense kiss, Zanya turned and placed her palms against the tree trunk, lifting her bottom against him.

"Take me now, Leon. I can't wait anymore. Now! Give it to me now!" she panted at him as she looked over her shoulder and Leon's eyes stretched wide. His eyes travelled from her beautiful and seductive face down to her perfect curves to her… Heavens!

With a loud and guttural moan, Leon grabbed her waist and in one hard thrust, he buried himself deep inside her.

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