Chapter 393 - Crazy Fool

Chapter 393 - Crazy Fool

Sorry for the lateness guys. Been a little unwell today.


Hours passed and midnight crept upon them in a flash. But to Zanya, the hours that had passed since she started the chase was excruciatingly and agonizingly slow. In fact, it was downright sluggish! She was left utterly speechless at Leon's stubbornness. She could not believe this particular vampire could actually hold himself in until now.

Zanya had heard many times before about the implication of this bond. She had heard that no man had managed to hold back and withstand the pull of the bond for more than one whole day. And according to the rumours she heard before, half a day was the longest time someone had manged to hold it in.

Leon had long since exceeded that time limit! It has been more than a day now. And to think that she was right there with him all throughout that time and yet… Nothing has happened! At the rate they were going, she would not be that surprised anymore if someone were to tell her that nothing would happen.

She could not help but feel somehow offended and even more than slightly infuriated. Was he able to resist her because she was so undesirable for him even with the pull of the bond? Why was he so desperately resisting her to this extent? As far as she knew, he had no sweetheart that he was promised to. So that should not be the case of him holding back. He clearly had the normal urges that hot-blooded males like him have and perhaps even more than normal – as she had personally felt the signs as he had pressed his body to hers close enough for her to be extra sure. Yet, she was mind boggled to see how hard he was resisting this. It was as if he were the pure, untainted virgin and she the big bad wolf who was the one chasing.

For countless times now, Zanya had tried to tell herself to be glad instead that this man was unlike any other. He was just extraordinarily upright and had an extremely strong sense of responsibility. But strangely, she found herself upset even after telling herself that over and over. She could not even count how many times she had told herself to give up and just leave. It was obvious enough for her that he would much rather suffer the effects than mate with her.

And she found herself stubbornly unable to accept that fact. It was as though she had gone totally and outrightly crazy. And this man was to be blamed for the craziness that was overtaking her mind, body, and soul.

This was the first time someone had ever managed to make her feel this type of extreme frustration in her entire long life. And what a long life it was! Even in those thousands of years, she had never experienced something like this before. She never would have thought a man could actually reduce her to this state and make her feel downright idiotic. Why the hell was she chasing after him in the first place?!

Zanya was stiff as she glared the waters, wishing so badly that she could growl out her frustrations and release them in that ferocious and violent manner as how the panthers could. He had not surfaced from the water for a long while now. It had been like this the entire time. He would not look at her and would wholeheartedly run away from her. Every time she tries to speak to him, he would bolt into the water, cutting her off effectively.

She had had enough of this craziness! There must be a way to somehow come to an agreement or a conclusion to the matters concerning them both. Continuing like this is just too ridiculous!

Biting her lower lip, Zanya feel like she wanted to scream out from so much frustration. She could not believe she, of all creatures, was now contemplating on giving up. Someone actually managed to drive her to this very edge and made her surrender – though very unwillingly. She could not believe she had gone through all this just for him and actually for this long! Why the hell was she even going through all of this for him? How dare he do this to her!

"Damn you, stupid purple… stone! Go to hell!" she finally screamed out.

Panting from so much frustration, Zanya screwed her eyes closed tightly. Enough was enough. She just could not stand this anymore. She had done her best, in fact, she had long reached what she thought was her limit. She refused to continue running after him, making herself look like a crazy fool anymore!

Finally turning her back, Zanya breathed out the breath she was holding in and opened her eyes. She spread out her wings. The view of her standing on top of the stone with the bright moon behind her was a stunning sight to behold.

Clenching her fists tight, she flapped her wings elegantly a couple of times and was about to take off powerfully when Leon suddenly emerged before her. She stiffened and her wings froze in mid-beat but her gaze on him was neutral now. She told herself not to bother with him anymore. Why force one who is not willing?

She watched him walk to the shore. He was walking like a drunk man now. In fact, his movements were much worse than the last time she saw him. He looked like a wounded creature desperately dragging himself forward, unwilling to die. She could even hear his loud and breathless pants.

When he reached the shore, he fell over and turned to stretch out on his back, as if he had lost all strength that was left in him.

Zanya pressed her lips tightly together and with a shaky breath, she made up her mind and flew towards him.

She landed next to him and looked down at his still figure. One glance and anyone who could see him was able to tell how utterly drained he was. She watched the up and down movements of his chest and then her eyes travelled to his face. His eyes were closed, and his thin sexy lips were slightly parted as he chased his breath.. His toned and elegant muscles were tightly wound, and it was just unsettling how he still looked powerful and yet appeared so defenceless at the same time.

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