Chapter 385 - Blue Pearl

Chapter 385 - Blue Pearl

"Is there really no other way to dissolve the bond or remove Zanya's blood that is in him?" Gavriel asked the light fae named Kariza. "Is there no such kind of spell to disable it or at the very least delay the effects on him for a longer duration?"

Kariza hesitated to answer for a moment but as Gavriel held her gaze firmly and expected an answer from her, the light fae could only relent and answer his question. She never would have thought that a vampire could intimidate her just by looking at her. And he did not even look like he was trying to intimidate or force her to talk yet. She could not imagine the pressure she might undergo if he did try to intimidate her. Kariza shivered a little at the thought.

"T-there is a way." Kariza replied with a slight stutter at the beginning, and everyone looked at her with curiosity. "He needs to search for and obtain a certain shell that can only be found in the lakes of the Middle Empire. The shell that has a magical blue pearl has the power to break the bond."

Surprise flashed across the men's face and relief flooded through them. They had thought there would be no other way for Leon to undo this complicated bond between him and Zanya. Hearing that there was a way, albeit something almost never heard of, was just great news that it lifted the worry which was like a load sitting on their chests.

"But the shell is rumoured to have been extinct even back before the fall of Crescia." Kariza added a little hesitantly and the relief on everyone's face faded as they were taken aback.

"But it's just a rumour, right?" Zolan asked her.

"No one ever found the shell again after that, so I believe the rumours might be true." Kariza sounded apologetic as she spoke.

"Thousands of years has already passed since you heard that rumour, right? Maybe a single shell still exists and perhaps they have been reproducing during the last thousands of years, undisturbed by people as everyone thought these shells are extinct?"

"You might be right, but I don't want to give you false hope. A vampire prince back in the day had desired the blue pearl so much he had ordered vampires to hunt for it. Even some half dark faes joined in the search because of the vampire prince's generous reward that he had offered. But no one found a single pearl. That was when they declared that the shell was truly extinct." Kariza explained, causing the men to sigh out in disappointment.

"I think we should still all go and give it a try to search for it. You never know, maybe they exist again now?" Luc said and Levy enthusiastically nodded.

"I agree. This is still good news compared to nothing at all. So, we'll go now and search for it, who knows there might be more shells still sitting around somewhere." The man sounded as though he was going to search the deepest waters to find one.

"It won't work if any of you will be the one to find it." Kariza told them, sorry to be the one to burst their bubble again. Everyone fell silent and creased their brows at the light fae with questions in their eyes. "The one who must find the shell is Leon himself in order for it to work. When someone finds the shell, it will open immediately and the light which is emitted by the blue pearl will dissolve the bond."

"Ugh." Levy raked his hair. "That means we can't help him at all?!"

"Yes. You can't help. If you go and you guys are the ones to find it, it'd be useless."

With resigned sighs, the men looked over at Gavriel. They have already tried their best in asking and were even ready to go to great lengths in helping Leon. However, it truly was unfortunate they could not be the ones to collect the blue pearl for him. Only he alone can search for it.

"I'll go speak with him." the prince said and Zolan led him to where Leon was hiding away.

As soon as Leon felt Gavriel's presence, he immediately stood and paid him respect.

"Your Highness," Leon uttered after clearing his throat a few times, his voice sounding hoarse and weak.

He looked very tired and dishevelled. He did not resemble the usual Leon at all.

One glance and Gavriel could see the extent of suffering Leon was going through. It was very rare to see Leon in this state even in the midst of war.

Without wasting another moment, Gavriel brought him up to date on their discussion earlier and told him about the shell with the blue pearl. Once Gavriel was done speaking, as he and the other men expected, Leon immediately brightened up and decided to go and look for it no matter how slim the chance was in finding one. This man would rather search for the shell that might not exist anymore rather than going to Zanya and discuss it with her.

"I will go alone, Your Highness. Please don't worry about me." Leon insisted, suddenly alert and full of vigour. "The beasts in the Middle Lands are gone now, anyway." He looked firm in his decision to search for this blue pearl alone.

Gavriel stared at him silently for a few moments, and he could only let him do what he wanted. He knew that Leon was the type not to involve others when it concerns his personal problems.

"Alright." Gavriel gave his permission and levelled on him a serious gaze. "But you have to promise me you will return safe and sound."

"I promise, Your Highness. I give you my word!" Leon's eyes were firm as his resolved hardened within him.

And with that, Gavriel hummed and left him to his devices.

However, before returning to the room where he had left Evie resting, Gavriel asked Zolan to tell Zanya about Leon's decision.


One more chapter to complete the mass release!

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