Chapter 375 - Hundred Times Over

Chapter 375 - Hundred Times Over

It has been rumoured that the blood of the light faes were known to be the sweetest, most delicious blood for the vampires. Many vampires in the past, during the time when the Middle Empire was still in its former glory, were obsessed with the idea of tasting a light fae's blood. But only very few were actually able to have gotten a taste and known the joys of being able to experience the ultimate blood of ecstasy. Because it was not something anyone can just have.

There was a consequence if a vampire drinks a light fae's blood and it was not a simple one. Upon the consumption of a light faes blood, it would turn into a type of poison in that vampire.

Moreover, biting and drinking a light faes blood was like a ritual. It was a process of creating a bond. Or creating an unbreakable promise. The vampire will be bound to the light fae they had bitten and drunk blood from. Therefore, it is not something that was done and taken lightly as it would affect the vampire's future as well.

From the moment the vampire takes in the light faes blood, he would have automatically offered his heart to the light fae. After that, the vampire's heart will only beat for and belong to her. He will be able to love only her in this lifetime. This was dangerous because if the light fae does not reciprocate the love and refuse to seal the bond through mating within a set time period, the fae blood inside the vampire's body will turn into a deadly poison and it will aim for and kill the vampire's heart. However, the strange thing is that he would not die physically, but he will never be able to feel anything anymore, nor could he fall in love ever again. His heart will die, and the bond will be broken the moment that happens.

This was why Zanya knew that she must not let him bite her no matter what. But the temptation to just go with the flow and indulge in the sensations that were currently causing her to be tossed about were so strong it was surreal. It felt like he was seducing her to bring him to his own doom. And Zanya still could not believe vampires had this kind of power… or was it only him? Or was she the strange one who was falling into his gaze and helplessly wrapped herself in it?

"Stop!" She yelled, her hands flew to tangle them in his thick silky hair and pulled them back harshly to tear his mouth off her skin before he could sink his fangs into her neck. Her palm them covered his mouth as she panted frantically, finally snapping out of that dreamy sensation she had dangerously indulged in. "I told you. You're going to regret it if you bite me. If you bite me now, you're going to be bound to me and would irrevocably fall in love with me whether you like it or not. And if… if I am not able to love you back, you will be ruined! I can't let that happen to you!" she quickly explained, hoping that he would catch onto the urgency in the tone of her voice and be finally willing to let go.

But he did not respond as how Zanya had hoped he would. His fiery eyes stared back at her again and his gaze gripped her once more.

"Goodness! Stop it and just let me go. If you don't… I'm really going to hurt you now! You're giving me no choice." she threatened him, and her magic began to seep out from her skin. "This is for your sake –"

She could not finish her sentence. Her body froze, as her eyes flew open, wide with shock at the feel of his fangs slowly and sensuously sinking past her skin and into her neck. He had moved too fast, and she was way too late to react.

Zanya slowly shut her eyes as she felt him draw her blood with a tingly suction pressure being applied. To her surprise, it was not painful at all. In fact, she did not know how, but it was giving her an indescribable sensation. A sensation she could not quite put into words as she could not wrap her mind around it, much less know how to even describe it.

Allowing her head to fall back languidly, she murmured helplessly as she gripped tighter and hung onto his dark hair. "Don't blame me later… I did my best to stop you…"

Leon heard what she said from the back of his mind. But he did not care at all. Nothing else matters right now but this… this blood. He had heard many times before that a virgin human's blood was a blood worthy to die for. He had tasted it himself when a human girl had offered herself to him and he could not deny that he had thought the same until now. It was only now that he truly knew what it meant to have blood that was worthy to die for.

A light faes blood… Zanya's blood was worth dying for even for a hundred times over. He had never lost his mind to this extent before. Ever. Naturally, as a half-blood, he was not as hardcore as the purebloods when it comes to taking in blood. But this… he actually felt like he was in heaven. This taste was too much… too much… he wanted to suck her dry. He did not want to ever stop drinking from her. He just could not get enough of it!

His grip on her tightened as his strength came back. In fact, he felt like power was surging within him as he savoured her blood that tasted like heaven. If this was what heaven tasted like, then he was surely dead and very happy to be so. There were no regrets, and he can die content.

A/N: We fell from the rank guys and we are now rank 2 in golden ranking. If we get back to top 1 again before reset (6 hrs from this moment this chapter is updated), I will deliver the promised 10 chapters mass release. ^^

P.s.. second chap will come later.

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