Chapter 371 - Just Evie

Chapter 371 - Just Evie

Evie's heart felt like it had already turned completely numb at that moment. Her eyes were hot, and her blood seemed to be boiling. Her grief and rage clouded her eyes but turning her heart cold. She perceived that there was a soft voice in her mind that was telling her to stop but she could not bear to follow the advice of that small soft voice… vengeance had darkened her vision, and something alien and dark had sprouted in her heart.

Shutting her eyes, her heart stopped beating for a moment and she finally swung her sword down towards Thundrann's neck.

Then the world seemed to come to a screeching halt. The atmosphere became so quiet that you could hear even a pin drop. Everyone froze in shock, including Evie herself as her eyes flew open and stared at the hand that was now wrapped tightly around her wrist, stopping her swing from completing its arc that was now just a couple of inches away from Thundrann's neck.

That hand which was so very familiar to her… Evie could only stare dumbly at it. She knew whom it was just with one glance on those long fingers and the traces of veins on that big hand.

Slowly, Evie turned around and at the moment her eyes fell on him, she was hopelessly paralyzed. Those eyes… those breathtakingly striking pair of moonbeam-like eyes staring back into her own amber ones, smouldering through the strands of his dark hair.

All she could do was stare, feeling as though those eyes were her saving lights, pulling on her quickly before she could fall into the deepest of darkness. Her sword then fell uselessly from her hand and the hard sound of the metal clanging onto the concrete ground as it fell resonated in the surrounding, breaking the stilted silence that had reigned over them.

And Gavriel seized her up in a tight hug. His large palm curved over her skull as he gripped her snugly against him, trying to impart as much warmth and comfort to her through their bodies that were moulded as close together as possible. Nothing happened for a few moments until Evie began to tremble in his arms. Her tremors that started out small eventually grew so violent that if Gavriel was not holding her, she would have been a quivering mess on the ground right now.

Gavriel wrapped his arms around her even more securely, as if trying to hide her small trembling frame from everyone's eyes. He then wrapped and cuddled her inside his dark cloak till her body was hidden.

Then, he lifted his head and when his eyes met Samuel's bewildered gaze, he nodded at him slightly before shifting his gaze to the light fae. "My wife needs some rest first." He said to the light fae and without waiting for Zirrus to react, Gavriel took off with a powerful leap, taking Evie with him. However, everyone noticed how he was so gentle and careful in handling Evie, as though a little extra rough handling would bring her crumbling down.

The couple arrived back at Ravens castle, their castle, in no time at all. Gavriel landed at the front doors and strode in, his steps sure and determined as he already had a destination in mind. His quick footsteps only brought them quickly to stand before a pair of polished heavy mahogany double doors that evoked a bittersweet feeling in both the husband-and-wife pair. Once they were in their room, Gavriel took his cloak off and let it fall to the floor.

Evie was still shaking as Gavriel sat on the edge of the bed with her straddling his lap. "It's okay, love. Cry all you want… let your grief out…" he began to whisper as he kept kissing her hair and his gentle hands caressed her back over and over, warming as well comforting her. "I'll be here with you, love… I'm just right here…"

And as Gavriel muttered soothing words into her ears, Evie broke down and sobbed as hard as she could. All the stress, tension, pain, and sorrow came tumbling out all at once. Everything that was tightly constrained inside her was released through endless tears as she let herself melt against him, taking comfort and reassurance of just being in each other's presence.

"G-gav…" she called out his name between her sobs. She kept hiccupping between her sobs.

"I'm here, love… I'm here…" he responded, lovingly. His voice sounded so warm and uplifting that it was just like salvation had come to her. It was unbelievable how he melted everything cold and frozen within her just by holding her like this. The rage, the vengeance, the hatred, the darkness that had sprouted in her heart… it was as though his arms, and his warmth had melted them all and turned them into tears. And what a huge torrent of tears she had within her! She had not realised that there was so much that she had kept bottled up within herself for her to be able to release so much.

She had bravely kept her chin up and stood as strong as she could since she was separated from him ever since that time in the battle at Dacria. She had never allowed herself to think any negative thoughts nor entertain doubts, much less permit herself to crumble or even cry like what she was doing now because she is a queen now. So many people are looking at her for guidance and putting her as their hope or even salvation that she knew she could not let them down. And she knew a queen must now show any weakness to either friend or foe. No matter what kind of turmoil or hardship she was going through, she was not allowed to let herself show any sign of weakness… she must be able to remain strong and unfazed before her people, and also before her enemies alike. This is her responsibility and calling as a queen.

But before this man… in this man's arms... everything was different. Because being in his arms right now… she was no fae queen. She is just Evie, his lover, his wife. She knew he is the only place where she is ever allowed to cry, to crumble, to melt, or to breakdown without any consequences.

A/N: We fell from the rank guys and we are now rank 2 in golden ranking. If we get back to top 1 again before reset (6 hrs from this moment this chapter is updated), I will deliver the promised 10 chapters mass release. ^^

P.s.. second chap will come later.

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