Chapter 358 - Battle

Chapter 358 - Battle

To his relief, he saw her standing firm and proud, like the goddess that she was. Her hand was lifted, palms extended and facing the orc. Her magic was flowing out from her palms in a concentrated beam. The very next second, there was a bright flash that blinded everyone for a second and when the light faded, all they saw was the orc trapped within a dark crystal.

Evie saw that another orc had captured one of the light faes and he was about to smash him on the ground when Evie quickly moved to shoot the orc with a beam of her magic again. The orc that had been hit by Evie's magic was then slowly being swallowed and trapped within another dark crystal that formed around its massive body, freezing it for as long as Evie did not release it from its unique prison.

With Evie's help, the elite and the light faes began to regain their momentum. And all it took was a few moves from their queen – though they were very powerful moves. Their fighting spirit were quickly lifted up and all of them rallied cohesively as the fight continued. And what a relentless fight it was. If not for their queen aiding them with her formidable magical powers, they would have long since been overwhelmed and probably defeated soundly.

"Princess, that should be enough.. Please don't exhaust yourself too much." Zolan said as he stood next to Evie. He had noticed she was painfully distracted and he was worried if anything should happen to her. His Highness would skin him alive if any harm should come to her. He too, was worried for her well-being.

Zolan could tell that something was off and there must have been a major occurrence that certainly happened within the barrier that they did not know about. She did not seem to have that unwavering spirit from before anymore. Since she had stepped out of the barrier, Zolan could tell that she was fearful now. Something was holding her back and making her waver. Though she was trying her best to hide her troubled heart by aiding them with her tremendous power, helping them take back the upper hand, her real emotions did not escape Zolan's sharp and observant eyes.

"I'm fine." Was all she said, but Zolan could tell her mind was somewhere else. Then all of a sudden, her hand fell limply to her sides. It was as if she had finally figured out the solution to the problem that was bothering her so deeply. Her eyes that were initially filled with fear and worry just a little while ago, were now shining a little brighter again.

With a fierce gaze, she turned her eyes to Zolan. "I will call upon my dragon!" she told him and Zolan immediately understood what she wanted him to do.

The vampire relayed the message to his comrades, and everyone nodded. They will be guarding the princess' body with their lives, while she calls for her dragon.

Evie then closed her eyes to focus on her task at hand. She had finally come up with a solution, a way for her to keep fighting alongside him and continue helping him. She would call on Onyx. She decided that if she could not be the one to be there for him, her dragons can. She did not need to be there and risk their child if the dragons will aid her husband instead of her herself! That was right, and that was what she was going to do!

Thankfully, the dungeons were a large and massive underground cavern. It might not be easy for her dragon to enter through the narrow entrance, but she was sure her dragons could do something about it. Onyx was able to break a powerful barrier. It should not be a problem for them to break the ground if that was what is needed.

Her body began to glow. With deep concentration, she freed herself from all the tension and worries and thoughts. Until her mind was filled with nothing but darkness, as if she was looking into the starless and peaceful night sky.

She saw Silver and Vermillion first and they looked at her. "Come to me, I need you." she called for them and the dragons growled their assent. She saw them move to enter the ruins of the castle, breaking everything that was in their way to rubbles and when they stopped at the narrow entrance to the underground dungeon, the dragons began to spew fire and burn down the entrance until the ancient stone simply melted along the surface before bursting into tiny, fragmented pieces that littered the ground.

Evie looked for the other dragons. She called for them to come to aid her people and then at last, she called for Onyx. The pair of deep amber eyes looked straight back at her, and she called out his name. "Onyx… I need you. Come to me. Hurry…" she beckoned to him fondly and she saw the great dark dragon rose majestically and stepped out from his lair. He spread out his magnificent wings then catapulted that massive body from the ground effortlessly into the air.

While Evie was calling for her dragons, the orcs seemed to have sensed the great danger coming their way and they began to push even harder, desperate to kill the source of the oncoming danger.

Both the elite vampires and the light faes were suddenly put into a dire situation as they focused on defending mightily to protect their queen from coming to any hurt.

The battle became even fiercer, the thundering roar of the orcs, the shrill screams of the light faes, the sharp sounds of the weapons clashing against another, and the earth shaking as though something above them were smashing the ground… everything had become so intense within the last few minutes.

Both vampires and light faes could only keep on fighting, holding their grounds and never letting any orc touch even a strand of their princess and queen's hair.

And as time ticked by, second by second and minute by minute, the vampires and light faes were slowly being pushed back as their strength were waning. An orc had brought Zanya down who was trying to pull Kariza away from danger. She was then smashed to the ground and before she could lift her hands to stop the oncoming attack, Leon had appeared before her, blocking the savage orc's all-out attack. She knew that if he had not appeared there, she might have already…

But she could not even breath out her relief as she saw Leon's sword broke into two.

Zanya screamed out. But it was too late. The savage orc's sharp claw ripped through Leon's shoulder down to his abdomen, tearing his flesh as blood spurted out, filling the air with a heavy metallic tang. He fell back and Zanya who was half lying on the ground managed to catch him. She lifted her hands and her magic surged forth from her palms and hit the orc, sending it flying far back and slammed into the ancient stones as Leon's head rested on her bosom.

Quickly, she lowered her hand and placed it over Leon's large wound.

But the stubborn vampire still tried to sit up even with such a severe wound. "Stop! Stay still!"

"I can't. The fight is not over yet." Leon replied, sounding all breathless as his face paled even more.

"I said stay still, you pervert vampire or I'll knock you out!" Zanya's voice was shrill due to worry for him and she could feel her eyes becoming suspiciously wet. However, she pushed that thought for a later date and focussed on what was urgent at the moment.

Leon looked at her and he could not help but smile in disbelief and amusement. "I thought you hate me? I guess I was wrong, huh?" He then flashed a shaky grin at her.

"I hate you." Zanya glared at him, and he raised a brow at her.

"Really? Then why are you desperately trying to save me?" He was smiling as he asked her that.

"Don't get the wrong idea, vampire. I am desperate to save you because if you die, how the hell can I make you pay for what you did to me?! I'm not going to let you die, pervert. You'll have to pay for what you've done first!" She hissed at him, but Leon only chuckled in response.

He lifted his hand and touched her face, causing Zanya to freeze suddenly. "Don't worry, I'm not going to die over this. I'm looking forward for the payment you want too. So, I guess I need to stay alive." He smirked and then he pushed her hand off him and sat up.

"You! I told you to –"

Zanya could not finish her statement as everything suddenly seemed to stand still. Even Leon stilled before he could rise.

"Everyone, get behind me and stay there." A voice echoed. It was Evie. And she was shining like the noonday sun as she walked past them, heading towards the front line.

Then a roar of a dragon echoed next, causing the savage orcs to turn and look behind them.

In that short moment, Evie spread out her arms and when everyone was gathered behind her, she screamed out. "Burn them!" She called out her orders and fire came blasting forth. The vampires and light faes behind her were protected by her light shield as the savage orcs before them went up in flames and were incinerated into ashes within moments.


1 hour left before reset guys! Vote using Golden Tickets. If we are rank 1 by reset, i will give 10 chapters mass release. Fighting spellbounders! ????

A/N: You can check my new comic titled I Made A Deal With the Devil on patreon. Just go to www.patreon.com/kazzenlx

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