Chapter 342 - Damned Onions

Chapter 342 - Damned Onions

A little while back.

As soon as Leon heard the roars of the dragon, he had quickly left the rest of the men and rushed towards the roof where he had left his mother and Levy. He had never moved that fast in his life and strained his body to its limit to get himself back there in the fastest time possible.

Arriving on the roof within a handful of seconds, he saw that Levy's chest was still moving up and down and was still breathing. Seeing that comforting view, his legs suddenly turned wobbly like jelly, and he sank to his knees and held onto Levy's hand wordlessly. It was a miracle that he was still alive, though barely. However, it was obvious to Leon that it was impossible to save him now. The glaive had pierced right through his heart and even Levy himself knew he was going to die soon. Though a vampire is strong, such a wound was fatal, nonetheless.

"Hang in there." Leon finally spoke when Levy started to close his eyes, feeling his lids were as heavy as lead. "The beauties are finally here.. Weren't you waiting to see them? Hang on for a bit and they will be here." Leon tried to lighten the atmosphere by joking about Levy's favourite topic.

The corner of Levy's lips curved up into a slight smile. "Really?" However, Leon could see that his smile did not quite reach his eyes and his smile was so tires and his complexion wan.

"Yes. So, open your eyes and look clearly now."

A weak sigh left Levy's blood-stained mouth. "Don't let them see me like this, Leon. I'm sure I look like shit right now." He tried to chuckle, but it only came out as little bloody bubbles that popped and filled the air with a fresh tinge of iron.

Leon was speechless. Unable to believe what he was even saying at a time like this. "I can't believe you still can worry about such a thing at this point."

"Of course, I'd worry. I should die handsome at least, don't you think so?"

"Good grief…" Leon mumbled at Levy's chill attitude. He did not know how to react. If Levy was not in this state, Leon would have smacked him by now.

"Are you going to cry for me, Leon?" Levy asked suddenly. "If you are, you better cry now. I at least want to see the face of the most annoying man I know crying before I go." He still could manage to smirk at him. "It should be an interesting image since I somehow can't imagine this damned deadpan face crying. Now cry." Levy commanded with this wavering voice.

"You know what? You're too talkative for someone who's supposed to be dying. Use that energy to heal yourself instead, will you?" Leon snapped irritably at Levy, torn between worry and exasperation for this annoying person.

"You know I'm hopeless. I don't know why I'm still alive though. Haha."

"The fact that you're still alive means you still have hope."

"I didn't know you could be quite talkative too, Leon." He taunted and then he coughed up more blood, causing Leon to panic again.

"Hold on." He said grabbing onto his hand.

At that moment, Evie's voice echoed behind them.

"Levy!" she said as she rushed over and bent over his side. The sight of his wound made Evie froze up in fear for a moment. The still gaping wound on his chest was so huge it was truly a miracle he was still alive and breathing.

"P-princess…" Levy grinned but his eyes started gleaming with unshed tears. "I'm sorry… I don't think I can…" He choked and could not continue speaking.

"No. Please don't. You can't… you've promised me!" Evie frantically said and with trembling hands, her warm magic began to gather in her palms as she hovered them over his wound. "Don't give up please. Stay with us."

Her voice as she coaxed Levy was so gentle and warm like a soothing lullaby that the men who had surrounded them and looked down at Levy felt such heaviness in their chests. They all had experienced losing comrades before but… Levy was not just a comrade to them. He is their brother. The most annoying one, but their brother, nonetheless. Seeing him on the verge of death made them all feel an indescribable pain in them that they could not even say a word but just look on silently at him.

Levy then lifted his eyes and meet their gazes one after another.

"You guys… stop looking like a bunch of widows there." He looked like he wanted to laugh but he could not muster up enough strength to do so.

"Shut up and heal already!" They all shouted in unison though their eyes were screaming with their wish and hope that he would survive. All of them knew that a wound as large as that was beyond saving for a vampire. But with their princess here, the light of hope that they have, they refused to give him up.

"Her Highness is doing her best to save you… so hang in there. We're not going to give up on you. So don't you dare give up on yourself." Zolan said and Levy's smile slowly faded. Fat tears escaped from the corner of his eyes.

"Geez… someone must be cutting onions. Go find them and get rid of him, Leon." Levy ordered like some spoiled brat. The men around stared at him incredulously, not knowing whether to laugh or cry. This brat really causes them so much worry.

"Don't mind the goddamned onions and just focus on healing." Leon said and everyone could not help but smile.

However, Levy coughed again, and he winced in pain before his eyes fluttered as though they were extremely heavy and then his lids slowly closed.

Everyone's smiles instantly faded as they saw that look of pain cross Levy's face. Their hearts were thudding nervously now. They hoped that the princess would be able to create a miracle here. "Open your eyes, Levy." Evie ordered but Levy did not seem to be able to hear her.


Don't forget to cast your Golden Tickets on this book guys! Our Levy might survive miraculously if you do lol. JK. I think I caught Levy's annoying virus.

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